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Community of Practice Call August 20, 2020

Community of Practice Call August 20, 2020
About this Series
The Center for Ecoliteracy and LunchAssist host regular Community of Practice calls where we review the latest policy updates and highlight tools, best practices, and lessons learned from school districts and allied organizations across the state of California. This free series offers an opportunity for districts to connect with one another, share ideas, and build connections with community partners and government agencies around the state.
August 20, 2020 Call
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Chat: Community of Practice Call August 20, 2020
Jennifer McNeil:
Welcome! Please introduce yourself by typing your name, position and where you work into the chat box. What is one accomplishment you are proud of from this summer?00:11:37
Robert Lewis:
Aurora Figueroa:
Bethany Markee:
Debra Appel:
Good Morning All,00:11:53
Laura Austin:
Stephanie Bruce:
Hello everyone. Stephanie Bruce, Palm Springs USD. Serving 1,000,000 meals during the summer months00:12:01
Bryan Miller:
good morning00:12:02
Marina Navarro:
Good morning00:12:07
Anna Wolk:
Anna Wolk~From Johnsburg Illinois (north of Chicago. I’m, most proud that we were able to serve our families….even though it wasn’t a lot of kids, it still helped00:12:07
Debbi Dodson:
Good morning from Debbi Dodson at the Carton Council all the way from SUPER sunny San Diego.00:12:11
Nick Anicich:
Hi Everyone! My name is Nick Anicich and I'm the Farm to School Program Lead with the CA Dept. Of Food and Agriculture. One accomplishment from this summer-- the Governor included $10m in the budget for farm to school!00:12:12
Julie Fletcher:
Hi all - Julie Fletcher, Dallas ISD. Our team will surpass 10 million meals served this summer - today!00:12:13
Suzanne Yamanishi:
Hello, Suzie Yamanishi, Southside School in Hollister, California, Summer... I didn't work00:12:14
Annie Ryu:
Morning! I'm Annie Ryu, Director of Food Services at Lawndale Elementary School District. I'm proud of our staff who have worked without much complaint throughout this whole pandemic.00:12:16
Tammy White:
Ed Burke:
Howdy all, Ed from Santa Rosa City Schools. We are most proud of safely serving kiddos this summer.00:12:20
Deborah Kravitz:
Deborah Kravitz, Del Norte Unified School District, Crescent City, CA Served 90,000 meals this summer, very small rural community00:12:20
steph barstow:
Hi Everyone! Steph Barstow from Millbury Schools in MA00:12:21
Beth Haas:
Beth Haas Nebraska Dept. Education Program Specialist00:12:23
Cassandra Bahr:
Cassandra Bahr, School Lunch Program Director, Elevate Charter School,00:12:26
Diane Sharpe:
Hello- Proud of our FVSD Task force and thanks to all the work these folks put into our plands00:12:26
Erin Primer:
Morning! Erin Primer SLCUSD here! I'm proud of hosting a virtual summer cooking class for high school students with plant-forward recipes!00:12:34
Eric Holliday:
Eric Holliday, Director Alvord Unfied, and Proud of the effort and ability of schools to feed our community, and to feed the students of California. Great accomplishments.00:12:36
Catherine Paredes:
Good Morning from Borrego Springs, Cathy Paredes, Food Service Director00:12:39
Cindy Worthington:
Cindy Worthington, manager of food services in El Centro, CA.00:12:42
Debra Appel:
I am Debra Appel Director of Nutrition Services for Laguna Beach USD I did finally make it to the beach last week!!00:12:45
Amanda Mascia:
Amanda Mascia / Hunger Free Kids / San Diego Hunger Coalition = supporting our AMAZING school districts!00:12:56
Emily Cena:
Emily Cena, Director of Food & Nutrition, Ramona Unified00:12:58
Christina Hecht:
Good morning, Christina Hecht at UC Nutrition Policy Institute00:13:00
gail gousha:
Gail Gousha, San Diego Hunger Coalition00:13:06
Nora Stewart:
Nora Stewart, Farm to Institution Center in San Diego, excited to build out school district farm to school lesson plans/ take home resources00:13:09
Sonia Fernandez Arana:
Hello! Sonia Fernandez Arana with Let's Eat Healthy from Dairy Council of CA. Proud of the community resources we've provided to promote food access across California00:13:09
Colleen Robinson:
Happy Friday Eve everybody-Colleen Robinson SDUSD00:13:22
Leyla Marandi:
Welcome, welcome!00:13:32
Cathy Moen:
Hello Cathy Moen Director of Food Services of the Robla School District00:13:33
Trista Grigsby:
Good afternoon from Virginia! Trista Grigsby, Farm to School Specialist, VA Dept. of Education00:14:09
Jessica Ortega:
Hi! Jessica Ortega, Nutrition Specialist at Alvord Unified in CA00:14:11
Rosa Rubio:
Good morning, Rosa Rubio from Calistoga JUSD.00:14:20
Brenda Ruiz:
Brenda Ruiz, Sacramento Food Policy Council.00:14:29
Amanda Mascia:
2020 Quote of the Year “You’re on mute.”00:14:48
Laura Burns:
Laura Burns, Wellness Policy Specialist for Virginia Department of Education. Proud of the information shared during our virtual conference this summer!00:15:01
Emily Penner:
Happy Friday! Emily Penner, School of Education, UC Irvine00:15:08
Tammy White:
Hi, Tammy White from San Jacinto Unified School District! On our 2nd day of Distance Learning Grab-n-Go meal service!00:15:22
Marina Navarro:
Marina Navarro from Washington Unified School District in Fresno, Ca.00:15:57
Marina Navarro:
Director of Food Services00:16:42
Amanda Bast:
Amanda Bast, Nutrition Coordinator in partnership with the Ferguson-Florissant School District in Missouri. :)00:16:55
Leyla Marandi:
Yes! Check them out here:
Jennifer McNeil:
Welcome everyone! We are proud of all of you!00:17:10
Ben Readle:
Hi Everyone! I am a Senior Account Representative with TITAN School Solutions. We are working on multiple solutions for helping you all with feeding during this unprecedented time.00:18:15
Erin Primer:
ED ROCKS!!!!!00:18:20
Leyla Marandi:
He totally does00:19:12
Stephanie Bruce:
Hope you are staying safe up there Ed. You all just don't get any breaks from fire!00:20:09
Jennifer McNeil:
OMG there are MORE ED BURKES???00:21:29
Kat Soltanmorad:
Thanks Ed, this is awesome! It will be huge for us at Tahoe Truckee as well.00:21:38
Kat Soltanmorad:
And thanks for Titan for helping out!00:22:25
Stephanie Bruce:
There is Ed Code that allows that Ed00:22:32
Michael Jochner:
Stephanie Bruce:
ED Code 4955800:22:35
Michael Jochner:
Anna Wolk:
Would they not know about the other child since all household members need to be listed, along with the school they attend? Or is that something that is just on the Illinois app?00:23:10
Stephanie Bruce:
Way to serve your community!!!!! KUDOS00:23:30
Suzanne King:
I want to get onboard with the MOU00:23:32
Kat Soltanmorad:
Jennifer McNeil:
We share everything else in school nutrition, let’s share eligibility! Thank you for doing the legwork on this Ed. We so appreciate your contributions and can’t wait to find out more!00:23:58
Kat Soltanmorad:
This works for charter (if not vending) and homeschooling.00:24:43
Anna Wolk:
Thanks for clarifying!00:25:00
Amanda Mascia:
Michael Jochner:
Ed's idea is so HOT, he keeps a fire extinguisher on his desk! Go Ed.00:25:13
Amanda Mascia:
Anna Wolk:
Clearly the audience is right~ You DO Rock!00:25:27
Amanda Mascia:
He’s near an exit window, too00:25:29
Stephanie Bruce:
Have you checked with your county department of social services? They will be able to match the data for you00:26:33
Jennifer McNeil:
Fast pass like at Disneyland? I’m in.00:26:52
Cassandra Bahr:
Are you creating barcodes in TITAN?00:26:53
Patricia Baugus:
Ed, who is your provider (SIS/POS)?00:27:30
Suzanne King:
Are you seeing any increase in meal service with the bar codes?00:27:35
Diane Sharpe:
Hi Ed- We were trying to figure out the bar code in word as well but it does not work? What bar code did you use?00:27:36
Stephanie Bruce:
Most POS have bar codes00:28:21
Lena Agee:
but they aren't a letter00:28:22
Cassandra Bahr:
If you use TITAN, my understanding is that you have to use their barcodes, can’t use the SIS barcodes00:28:31
Stephanie Bruce:
there are different bar code fonts in word. You just need to find the font that works with your system00:28:57
Ed Burke:
Good Call Stephanie! It is best to find the right font for your system.00:29:04
Jennifer McNeil:
Thank you for sharing and communicating, Ed! We appreciate you!00:29:05
Trista Grigsby:
How about barcode keychains for the households?00:29:13
Frances Montoya:
We are doing bar codes per and grouping families by address.00:29:19
Stephanie Bruce:
GREAT JOB. Seriously, talk to your county dept. of social services. I have an mou with mine, I get the data 3 months before calpads and it is more accurate and they match the siblings00:30:07
Elizabeth Vaughan:
hahah! love it!00:30:09
Ed Burke:
Stephanie, that is incredible!00:30:17
Leyla Marandi:
He did it again everyone. *applause*00:30:57
Kat Soltanmorad:
Absolutely Stephanie, that's the best route! We love it.00:31:36
Stephanie Bruce:
Major applause. I love to hear people going the extra mile for the kids.00:31:54
Amanda Mascia:
Share more about where you got funding from in the CARES Act and how you got it? Please and thank you!00:32:09
Kat Soltanmorad:
We are small enough to stay away from barcodes especially as we have a 40/60 free/reduced... we want to be sure we don't have optics of those with a "barcode" are free. It would happen here in our community.00:32:43
Frank Castro:
Michael, what did you say your F/R percentage is?00:33:15
Eric Holliday:
Loving the customer service! great job Michael. Welcome to the Matrix! Great background00:33:39
Brenda Ruiz:
this type of funding mentioned needs to be expended by dec 31, correct?00:34:06
Jennifer McNeil:
Thank you so much for sharing, Michael!00:35:24
Stephanie Bruce:
We have been back to school (Distance Learning) for 3 weeks now.00:35:42
Mary Fell:
Hi what did the $40,000 include00:36:50
Janelle Manzano:
Stephanie, what is your participation compared to your summer feeding? Thank you00:37:06
Jennifer McNeil:
Question to the group: Have your schools reopened? How has meal service been going?00:37:24
Frances Montoya:
Our first day of school was Aug. 5th.00:37:42
Suzanne King:
Cotati-Rohnert Park opened on Aug 12. Our participation has dropped by 90%00:37:51
Anna Wolk:
WE open 8/25, fully remote, and I don’t think our numbers will be very high. I’ve only processed 30 applications for meal benefits this summer-typically I do about 30/day00:38:23
Stephanie Bruce:
Participation dropped about 15% week 1, Increased 25% week 2 and was steady week 3. We are experiencing 120 degree temps with high humidity so people are staying home.00:38:25
Debra Campbell:
We have gone from serving 300 meals per day to 50.00:38:47
Stephanie Bruce:
We are only serving about 1/3 our student population00:38:49
Bryan Miller:
we started school on August 12th. The reopening has been rough. Our numbers are very low.00:38:51
Emily Cena:
Ramona Unified starts September 1 in distance learning. I am concerned our numbers will be quite low, judging by the very low number of meal applications we have received, despite multiple avenues of advertising00:38:51
Stephanie Lip:
participation dropped to 25% of the seamless summer counts.00:39:21
Eric Holliday:
Schools are on distance learning, however all sites are open for feeding. We have been serving daily, and we are averaging 1,000 meals a day, where normally we would serve 11,000. Tracking via POS and the heat have not been helping. We are constantly adapting and marketing, to help. However getting middle school and high school kids out of house after learning for 4 hours is challenging. I am optimistic it will improve. But we will all need students back in school to help with participation.00:39:24
Stephanie Bruce:
This is great information.00:40:03
Erica Lee:
We're still in our first week of meal service/distance learning but we went from serving 2000 per day to 300 and we're 100% CEP!00:40:14
Lena Agee:
So may parents asking for refunds on the funds in their MSB Meal Accounts.00:40:24
Stephanie Bruce:
We are serving as many meal options as we can. Breakfast, Lunch, Supper and weekend meal and snack. We are adding a week day snack next week00:40:57
Tammy White:
Yes, San Jacinto reopened with DL on Monday, August 17th. We started our 1st day of grab-n-go meal service yesterday. We served 41% of our designated households for this day. Today, we served 39% of our designated households for today.00:41:09
Ed Burke:
Our counts have been very low in our area. We believe that the timing of the meal service and environmental concerns. Distance learning is pretty hands on for parents, so the timing is not working for them.00:41:26
Debra Campbell:
We are also a CEP school but we cannot seem to get parents engaged to pick up meals for the student00:41:27
Tammy White:
San Jacinto is serving 5B/5L/7Suppers/7Snacks00:41:29
Janelle Manzano:
All remote learning since Aug 13th. Participation is EXTREMELY low. We were serving 2400 meal per day with Summer Feeding. We are currently serving less than 100 meals per day!! We are implementing several strategies to ensure families in need have access to school meals. Fires and heat are not helping.00:41:48
Julie Garcia:
@Lena I tell then we only proces refunds in June. All funds have rolled over from last year and will remain on their accounts until used.00:41:57
Brook Stephenson:
Is anyone serving in the evening? Maybe serving when parents are off work and can come pick up meals would be more helpful? Is that feasible? like 4pm-6pm?00:42:03
Suzanne King:
We feel like our counts are low for the same reason. Parents and students are just getting comfortable with DL so we expect we'll see counts improve over time.00:42:09
Jennifer McNeil:
Leyla is our honorary Chief Science Officer - thank you for sharing all of this info Leyla! Here is the article she just referenced:
Eric Holliday:
Also the stress on parents and family is off the chart. Mental Health must be a focus. If anyone is using drones for meal delivery, that would be a great option.00:42:48
Stephanie Bruce:
LOL Eric, do you think CDE will approve the purchase of drones?00:43:01
Leyla Marandi:
Suzanne King:
Thank you for sharing the links. It is great information to share with staff.00:43:24
Janelle Manzano:
Erica Lee - what school district?00:44:03
Lena Agee:
@Julie. I have the same policy, but you can't really argue under the present circumstances and the request for an exception.00:44:45
Julie Garcia:
@Lena I must be lucky, my parents don't argue with me, lol00:44:47
Amanda Mascia:
We’ve heard from 3 San Diego Districts, their participation rates are around 10% of last year00:44:58
fred espinosa:
Your information is so well organized, relevant, and easy to understand. Well Done CEL and LA.00:45:24
Stephanie Bruce:
Agreed Fred!!00:45:43
Erica Lee:
@Janelle Robla School District---We even deliver meals to bus stops00:45:47
Frances Montoya:
I did a parent forum to reach out to parents letting them know the importance of picking up meals. I am also working with the district to offer incentives to students that pick up meals. Offering parent hours and various ideas by site to get students and parents to pick up meals. I had many communications with the district to get everyone involved. The barcode system lets us notify the schools who did not pick up meals. We are first year CEP our previous years we were P2.00:45:50
Eric Holliday:
Yes, drones is an approved expenditure! That is not factual, but maybe in the future it will be. Keep innovating and changing.00:47:22
Kat Soltanmorad:
We have 2 pick up times, twice a week for families coordinated around K-12 DL instruction times. We offer appt. pick ups if these times do not work. Our participation will decline from parent surveys and feedback this summer once school starts Sept 2. Through in snow after October, we will likely move to mostly delivery service with our Bus Drivers....who have helped us since April!00:47:54
Erin Primer:
We're using our pre-order form for weekly meal kits (including supper) as our sign in sheet.00:47:55
Kat Soltanmorad:
It would be great for CDE to provide a statewide survey for participation including parent feedback if meal participation doesn't pick up once smoke, fire and heat reduces for many.00:48:11
Leyla Marandi:
Erin that’s perfect00:48:28
Leyla Marandi:
Thanks Fred and Stephanie for your kind remarks :)00:48:45
Stephanie Bruce:
There is an option to check off students like SFSP. You need to have it outlined in your meal counting and claiming procedures. I changed mine a few years ago and submitted via my CNIPs application.00:48:52
Brook Stephenson:
Erin Primer- have you seen a decrease in meal ordering/00:49:17
Stephanie Bruce:
If LAUSD is allowed to do it, so is everyone else. :-)00:49:20
Frances Montoya:
I also sent out a parent survey asking best day and times for pick up.00:50:26
Erin Primer:
We're also offering a plant-forward (meatless) meal kit so we're seeing a rise in this option and steady orders coming in (still lower than before, but we start next week).00:51:05
Stephanie Bruce:
Oh Erin, I like it!!! Always so innovative.00:51:20
Janelle Manzano:
Awesome Erin!00:51:40
Erin Primer:
Without the free meal waiver, we're offering breakfast as our nutritionally adequate meal AND supper - to keep the meal kit cost lower ($10 vs $25) - IF we get waivers, we'll add lunch and offer three meals.00:51:45
Suzanne King:
We aren't pushing for HR7887? Free meals for all for the school year00:51:47
Jennifer McNeil:
Stephanie Bruce:
There are only 26 days that the House will be in session to vote until the end of the year. Bug them now while they are on vacation!!!00:53:13
Robert Lewis:
What Lady Bruce said! Yes, Bug them!00:53:23
Brenda Ruiz:
try *600:54:27
Janelle Manzano:
USDA is telling us that it will cost them too much money to offer universal meals for 20-21. USDA is spending FAR LESS dollars on our program based on our participation numbers since March 16th!!00:54:53
Abby Halperin:
Survey Link:
Kat Soltanmorad:
This is all in the hands of Secretary Perdue. MITCH MCCONNELL signed off letters in support of extended free meals.00:55:27
Amanda Mascia:
What Kat said!00:55:38
Kat Soltanmorad:
Why isn't Perdue acting; CDE has not received a Denial yet.00:55:38
Jennifer McNeil:
Wow Kat I didn’t know that! If we have Mitch this might actually happen!00:55:44
Stephanie Bruce:
USDA doesn't have the authority to establish universal meals. It has to happen in the CN reauthorization which isn't going to happen again. It needs to be an act of Congress.00:56:01
Kat Soltanmorad:
Yep happy to share letters signed off by over 1300 orgs nationwide include CSNA00:56:09
Amanda Mascia:
There is disagreement on that point. A lot of folks believe the USDA has the authority.00:56:19
Jennifer McNeil:
Steph - there is a question of if they have authority - they might have it since they extended other waivers through SY 20-2100:56:36
Kat Soltanmorad:
Stephanie; it is up to Secretary Perdue to extend this school year per COVID pandemic leg passed already.00:56:52
Kat Soltanmorad:
For universal meals outside of COVID, yes its up to CN Reauth.00:57:21
Erin Primer:
LOVE THIS - great job Lunch Assist Team!00:57:28
Emily Pia:
Here's the letter sent from the Senate Ag committee to Perdue (signed by Mitch McConnell...)
Amanda Mascia:
We’re also organizing from a “pro-business” angle to extend the waivers. If you have any farmers/producers/distributors that are experiencing a dip in business, they can sign on to this letter to Perdue:
Kat Soltanmorad:
Latest letter sent to Ag Sec Perdue00:58:49
Nora Stewart:
This tool is AWESOME! Really great for produce purchasing. Very excited to see this put together!00:59:06
Trista Grigsby:
Great meal calc tool!00:59:31
Catherine Slomka:
Just wanted to share some CACFP work arounds...As long as enrichment programming is available (whether that be virtual or otherwise) meals can be offered freely to all eligible children and teens. Although attendance records are still required, regulations state that enrollment is not required to receive a supper meal. So this means siblings, other students on campus, etc. can participate. I confirmed with our CDE rep and we just need to have policies in place of how we are preventing duplicate meals...yay! This has helped our community to transition from SSO (no IDs necessary) to the NSLP.01:01:01
Leyla Marandi:
Stephanie — doesn’t Congress technically have authority to extend waivers *for the year* through end of September? Even if authority technically expires it was my understanding that the extension could still be made.01:01:15
Frances Montoya:
Yes Mickinzie! Based on our parent survey they wanted two pick up times. 11-1 and 3-5.01:01:23
Eric Holliday:
Yes, Daily pickup can be challening, especially now that kids have to be in class during instruction so schools can have ADA. Schools want their revenue just like we do. Its unlike summer or the spring.01:01:32
Emily Pia:
That's our understanding, Leyla, at No Kid Hungry.01:01:45
Amanda Mascia:
Congress would have to pass a bill, tied to stimulus package, which talks aren’t going so hot…01:01:53
Eric Holliday:
But two pickup times is helpful, especially either early morning or evening. More likely to have staff in the morning to help with service01:01:55
Kat Soltanmorad:
Our pick ups are 7:30 am to 9 am and again 1 to 2:30 pm on Monday/Wednesdays. Also we offer by appointment, weekly pick ups any day of the week best for families.01:01:59
Amanda Mascia:
So easiest path = USDA/Perdue01:02:15
Leyla Marandi:
Aside from concerns about $, my worry is that extension = admission that pandemic will be ongoing and Trumps admin doesn’t care for that.01:02:15
Frances Montoya:
We are also by appointment.01:03:39
Jennifer McNeil:
Link to FRAC webinar today right after this call:
Kat Soltanmorad:
This is the BEST resource, thank you to all and LUNCHASSIST! These links are fantastic.01:04:15
Stephanie Bruce:
They do, but they have to vote on that. They have not taken action anything related to CN since they provided the current waivers. they are all on vacation now and the only thing in front of them is the Universal Free Meals Bill. It is there, but no one is talking about it. with only 26 scheduled days fo the House to vote, it is going to be difficult to get it passed. The senate has yet to publish their amended schedule so if it passes the house, there will be less opportunity for it be voted on in the senate01:04:35
Laura Austin:
Thank you so much for all of this information!!01:04:37
Noi Whitener:
I just received this and that is so cool, thank you.01:04:41
Lena Agee:
Would you apply if you saw this job description? Child Nutrition Director - schedule: be available & work around the clock, vacation days off 0, salary - will equate to $5 an hour, words not allowed - stressed, tired, can't do it, don't know how to do, won't work, must be available as a punching bag for staff, must pretend to smile and say yes all the time01:04:42
Eric Holliday:
Colleges that have started in person, and then switched back to online, are not providing much hope that the fall will be better. I would think those same results would happen at middle schools and high schools as we have seen in other states. I think Florida and New York are testing in-person classes in the next few weeks.01:04:54
Sarah Valor:
Link to FoodCorps Virtual Town Hall on School Meals >[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22main_list%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%22%5C%22[]%5C%22%22%7D]%2C%22has_source%22%3Atrue%7D01:05:07
Catherine Paredes:
So incredibly helpful - thanks so much!!01:05:17
Eric Holliday:
Thank you Krysta, yes everyone should remember this, especially in the next few months.01:05:18
Sarah Valor:
Thank you!01:05:33
Anna Wolk:
#5: RUM!!! LOL!01:05:36
Kat Soltanmorad:
Jennifer what is the FRAC pass code for the meeting please?01:06:11
Cassandra Bahr:
You guys are awesome! Thank you for all this info!01:06:33
Leyla Marandi:
Erica Lee:
Catherine thank you for this CACFP workaround tip!01:06:42
Noi Whitener:
Yes! Thank you everyone, awesome communication!!01:06:56
Leyla Marandi:
I think you can register for the webinar at that link and receive passcode. Let me know if that doesn’t work.01:06:57
Jennifer McNeil:
Try the FRAC link from here and the password should autopopulate:
Elizabeth Vaughan:
Thank you for that!01:07:29
Jennifer McNeil:
Thank you for the wise words this morning, Krysta!01:07:33
Lena Agee:
best part of being a Child Nutrition Director = all my wonderful and supportive colleagues01:07:38
Suzanne King:
Thank you all! Looking forward to receiving the slides.01:07:48
Beth Haas: T01:07:49
Amanda Mascia:
Another great meeting!01:07:51
Janelle Manzano:
Take care everyone. Be well and continue to help others be well01:07:59
Christina Hecht:
Fantastic, informational call. Thanks to everyone.01:08:02
Pamela Mallory:
Thank you, I look forward to joining again. :)01:08:12
Nora Stewart:
Thank you!01:08:14
Jennifer McNeil:
We love you guys!01:08:16
Jodi Cooper:
I am interested in the continued use of the tally or clicker count. How do we verify enrollment while using this method?01:08:53
Jennifer McNeil:
Jodi - I will send you some guidance since I know your two schools are both on the same CEP group.01:09:10
Jennifer McNeil:
You can definitely keep the tally or clicker count :)01:09:28
Jodi Cooper:
Thank you Jennifer!01:09:30
Amanda Mascia:
Thank you for sharing, Anna.01:09:31
Lena Agee:
in CA we are not allowed to lay off staff this school year01:09:31
Laura Bullene Jacobo:
I wasn't aware we could lay staff off?01:09:37
Stephanie Bruce:
CA has a state meal mandate. So we have to serve at least one nutritiously adequate meal01:09:50
Eric Holliday:
Yes, it is delaying the inevetable01:09:54
Stephanie Bruce:
We can't layoff in CA until July 1, 202101:10:04
Amanda Mascia:
Everyone is hemorraging01:10:13
Eric Holliday:
The math is the math!01:10:38
Stephanie Bruce:
Hey all. I just got a text from USDA...National Waivers extended!!!!!!!!01:10:44
Leyla Marandi:
What ?!01:10:45
Bryan Miller:
California can't lay off. so full staff cost at a small percentage of meals served. bleeding01:10:55
Emily Cena:
Stephanie -- which waivers, specifically?01:10:58
Amanda Mascia:
Michael Jochner:
MHSUD retasked my staff 3 days a week to "work for the District", as we're only serving Monday, prep on Friday. Saved some Labor.01:11:06
Amanda Mascia:
GO LIVE!01:11:27
Amanda Mascia:
Preparing to cry01:11:34
Brenda Ruiz:
*6 to unmute01:11:48
Bryan Miller:
Leyla Marandi:
Bryan Miller:
please explain!01:12:02
Lena Agee:
don't get too excited yet Anna Wolk!!!!01:12:24
Laura Bullene Jacobo:
Maybe we were zoom bombed. .01:12:29
Patricia Baugus:
None of us are breathing!01:12:47
Debra Campbell:
What does this all mean!!!!!01:13:15
Frances Montoya:
Everyone is shaking!01:13:18
Noi Whitener:
Can you forward it to me too pleaseee????01:14:06
Emily Cena:
but only for summer meals, correct?01:14:09
Debra Campbell:
what if school is already in session01:14:11
Eric Holliday:
Yes, they probably just extended out a month01:14:11
Laura Bullene Jacobo:
Erin Primer:
Eric Holliday:
not the entire school year01:14:24
Bryan Miller:
Jodi Cooper:
Noi Whitener:
okay sounds like it's only for this last summer feeding correct?01:14:37
Brenda Ruiz:
Summer meals extended?01:14:38
Amanda Mascia:
Suzanne Yamanishi:
Yes, we started the new school year, so we still need to follow the F/R/P...01:14:58
Laura Bullene Jacobo:
LOL Amanda. Exaclty.01:15:00
Amanda Mascia:
Perdue needs to get his freaking PEN going and SIGN OFF01:15:38
Catherine Paredes:
Agreed Amanda - a Sharpie;-)01:15:40
Debra Campbell:
So if school has already started do we still serve NSLP not SSO?01:15:46
Noi Whitener:
That would be marvelious. Thank you bunches.01:15:53
Kelly Thompson:
thanks...we can keep hoping...01:16:04
Cristina Ocampo:
Yes please keep me posted thank you01:16:08
Noi Whitener:
not SSo for now, anyway.01:16:08
Suzanne Yamanishi:
Fingers crossed for days now!01:16:08
Eric Holliday:
Only a small percentage of Senators have kids, hence they do not feel the ramifications, nor see the benefits, more stories from families and showing the impact of our meals will continue to move us forward. So if you started school NSLP is still the norm.01:16:19
Bryan Miller:
no more coffee needed01:16:22
Cristina Ocampo:
forget coffee i'm awake now01:16:41
Michael Jochner:
I doubt millionaire Senators would feel any pinch, with or without kids.01:17:40
Noi Whitener:
NSLP still the norm.01:18:35
Randy Moens:
It is my understanding that eligible students must have the option to have meals available.01:18:36
Eric Holliday:
Yes and for the last however many years, we have all contributed indirects? It will take a mindset shift, for school districts to realize child nutrition programs may not be self-sustaining for the first time in a long time. We also were the only ones working hard to provide meals to families and community and that should be celebrated and promoted!01:18:46
Suzanne Yamanishi:
Me to Anna!01:19:23
Jennifer McNeil:
Noi Whitener:
I totally understand it's so sad, we musy not lose hope!01:19:35
Eric Holliday:
The end result is we are essential to students success and as long as you feed students that is doing what is right! That is the why you exist and your passion and everyones passion for kids is the why, never give up, our kids need us.01:19:41
Noi Whitener:
sorry must not lose HOPE!01:20:13
Melinda Nguyen:
Anna - I love your passion - let’s keep fighting for those kiddos01:20:18
Leyla Marandi:
Catherine Paredes:
We're not alone All - a GREAT BIG GROUP HUG!!!01:20:47
Debra Appel:
Anna prayers are coming your way!!01:20:54
Jennifer McNeil:
Virtual hugs!01:20:56
Eric Holliday:
Are there any additional meetings coming, or was this the last one? Lunch Assist and Center of Ecoliteracy has been fantastic with all of your resources and support, thank you so much!01:21:01
Lena Agee:
don't forget to sign up for LunchAssist Pro01:21:14
Noi Whitener:
Thank you for your Hugs and Prayers!01:21:15
Eric Holliday:
It has been a pleasure and you are appreciated!01:21:19
Patty Barber:
thank you all for the good info!! Definitely write your reps!!01:21:23
Brenda Ruiz:
Abby Halperin:
Thanks Eric. Calls will be happening first Thursday — next one on Sep 3.01:21:30
Tammy White:
Bye everyone. Air Hugs.01:21:32
Kelly Thompson:
is anyone fearful of "fsmc"? They are coming out of the woodwork in my state, LA.01:21:59
Jennifer McNeil:
Eric Holliday:
Excellent, these calls provide hope and information, so thank you.01:22:12
Adleit Asi:
Thank you all!01:22:20
Anna Wolk:
Be Well!!01:22:22
Lena Agee:
we need each other01:22:25
Debra Appel:
Thank you as well for all your support!01:22:30
Erica Lee:
Thanks all!01:22:32
Jennifer McNeil:
Thanks all take care!!01:22:34
Lena Agee:
Thank you!01:22:39
Krysta Williams:
Thanks everyone, take care.0