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Community of Practice Call February 4, 2021

Community of Practice Call February 4, 2021
About this Series
The Center for Ecoliteracy and LunchAssist host regular Community of Practice calls where we review the latest policy updates and highlight tools, best practices, and lessons learned from school districts and allied organizations across the state of California. This free series offers an opportunity for districts to connect with one another, share ideas, and build connections with community partners and government agencies around the state.
February 4, 2021 Call
Guest speaker: Maureen Pisanick from Pisanick Partners, LLC
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Chat: Community of Practice Call February 4, 2021
Alexa Norstad:
Welcome! Please introduce yourself by typing your name, position, and where you work into the chat box. Also, what winter produce have you been enjoying?00:31:10
Alexa Norstad:
Welcome! Please introduce yourself by typing your name, position, and where you work into the chat box. Also, what winter produce have you been enjoying?00:31:23
Cathleen Olsen:
Cathleen Olsen00:31:25
Michelle Poirier:
Cathleen Olsen:
Winters Joint Unified School District00:31:33
Tom Murphy:
Tom Murphy00:31:34
Abby Halperin | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Good Morning Everyone! Abby Halperin, Policy and Grants Manager at the Center for Ecoliteracy. Loving the naval oranges!00:31:37
Leslie Pring:
Leslie Pring, Director of Nutrition, Twin Rivers USD in Sacramento , CA. Enjoying all the citrus!00:31:38
Suzanne Yamanishi:
Suzanne Yamanishi, Food Service Manager, Southside School in Hollister, CA -- lots of Navel Oranges and Mandarins from California.00:31:42
Regina Salmon:
Regina Salmon, Fortuna Union High School District, Fortuna, CA00:31:42
Alyce Hernandez:
Alyce Hernandez Cloverdale Unified00:31:44
Paula Kendrick:
Paula Kendrick Florida department of Agriculture. Florida Citrus00:31:45
Elizabeth O'Gilvie:
Liz O00:31:45
Susan Dalandan:
Susan Dalandan, Coordinator, Lehigh Valley Food Policy Council, eastern PA, potato in all forms!00:31:48
Sam Bloch:
Hi everyone! I'm a reporter at a publication called The Counter who writes about school food. I recently covered a rise in obesity that's connected to challenges in schools:
Zetta Reicker:
Good morning, Zetta Reicker with No Kid Hungry - mandarins!00:31:50
Tom Murphy:
Longwood CSD00:31:51
Catherine Paredes:
Cathy Paredes, Borrego Springs USD Food Service Director, Citrus00:31:51
Tara Thatcher:
Hello - Tara Thatcher BDM - West; Darlington Snacks. I enjoy our Blueberry Lemon Bites IW!00:31:53
Amy Hedrick-Farr:
Amy Hedrick-Farr, Director at Santa Cruz City Schools. I'm really enjoying Brussel Sprouts00:31:56
Suzanne King:
Good Morning, Suzie King, Food Service Coordinator Cotati-Rohnert Park USD - oranges!00:31:59
Cathleen Olsen:
Cathleen Olsen Winters Joint Unified School District, Little Gem Lettuce00:31:59
Amy Glodde:
Amy Glodde - No Kid Hungry Contractor00:32:01
Jenileigh Harris:
Hi everyone. Jenileigh Harris with the National Farm to School Network, based in Colorado.00:32:01
Hollie Hillard:
Kitchen Manager at Sand Creek Elementary, Sand Creek Michigan00:32:04
Natalie Lareau:
Natalie Lareau, program assistant at F2I Center. I've been loving tangerines!00:32:08
Brendan Shields:
Brendan Shields, Director of Food Services, Magnolia School District, Brussel Sprouts00:32:09
Maddy Moritsch:
Maddy Moritsch, Alliance for a Healthier Generation00:32:10
Cristina Obregon Whittier City school District Director Food Services.00:32:10
Erin Primer:
Morning everyone! Erin Primer SLCUSD Food & Nutrition Services Director - loving local clementines!00:32:11
Bryan Miller:
Good Morning. Bryan Miller Assistant Director of Child Nutrition Madera Unified.00:32:12
Suzy Sayre:
Suzy Sayre El Monte UHSD Love the mandarins!00:32:12
Alexa Norstad:
Good morning, everyone. Alexa Norstad, Director of Programs at the Center for Ecoliteracy. I am loving the pears right now!00:32:12
Lisa Buskirk:
Director Jefferson Oregon00:32:17
Brandy Dreibelbis:
Hi Everyone-Brandy Dreibelbis, Director of School Food Operations, Chef Ann Foundation. I've been enjoying CA Mandarins00:32:18
Sally Spero:
Sally Spero, retired but still in love with school lunch. Fresh Satsumas from our backyard trees!00:32:21
Enjoying the apples and oranges.00:32:22
Leslie Montano:
Leslie Montano, Director of Operations, ARISE High School. Bananas!00:32:24
Lisa Herberg:
Lisa Herberg, TUHSD, FSD, Brussel Sprouts00:32:26
Jennifer Marrone:
Jennifer MarroneSan Diego Unified, Business Manager Food Services-I don't know what produce is normal to winter00:32:27
Michelle Hernandez:
Michelle Hernandez, Nutrition and Wellness Coordinator, Carpinteria Unified School District, Winter Squash, Pears, Citrus00:32:27
Michelle Poirier:
Hello Michelle Poirier from Palm Springs USD. I have been loving Rutabaga00:32:29
Laurel Goins:
Laurel Goins, Lucia MAr Unified. WE have fresh Kiwis this week from a local farm!00:32:29
Polly Houston:
Polly Houston, Lennox School District, always blueberries00:32:31
Micha James:
Micha James, MPUSD Nutrition Services, cara cara oranges!00:32:31
Emma Finn:
Emma Finn with the Climate-Friendly School Food Team at Friends of the Earth! Definitely still enjoying as much SQUASH as I can get my hands on!!00:32:32
Sam Bloch:
And I've been enjoying radishes and kale!00:32:33
Nadia Kelem:
good morning! Nadia Kelem, Oregon farm to school and school garden network, foodcorps - service member. Bend OR. loving Hubbard squash!00:32:35
Laura Bullene Jacobo:
Laura Bullene Jacobo, Director Woodlake USD, loving the Red Pears!00:32:39
Frances Gonzalez:
Good Morning! Frances Gonzalez, Director of Nutrition Services for Ojai Unified School District in Ojai, Ca00:32:43
Jennifer McNeil:
Good morning/afternoon all! Jen here from LunchAssist. My favorite thing in the winter are those yummy kiwis that are in season! :)00:32:45
Rosa Rubio:
Rosa Rubio, Calistoga JUSD, kale00:32:46
Brian Chiarito:
Brian Chiarito - Director at Madera USD00:32:53
Adriana Lopez:
Adriana Lopez, Director of Nutrition Services at Menifee USD in Menifee, CA. Delicious tangerines :)00:33:10
Antoinette Pearce:
Antoinette Pearce, Assistant Director of Student Nutrition Compton Unified, I love eating oranges right now!00:33:16
Shaekha Dominguez:
Shaekha Dominguez, FSD at Hawking STEAM Charter. Enjoying it all!00:33:16
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Mickinzie Lopez, LunchAssist - loving all the fresh citrus from our CSA box!00:33:24
Bailey Rose:
Bailey Rose, Community Nutrition Adviser - Bay Area, Let's Eat Healthy Movement, Dairy Council of CA00:33:42
Elizabeth O'Gilvie:
liz O’Gilvie Springfield Food Policy Council in Springfield Mass they are not local but I am living on Mandarins!00:33:47
Kat Soltanmorad:
Kat Soltanmorad, Director/Dietitian Tahoe Truckee USD. Enjoying local and organic blood oranges, mandarins and kiwis!00:33:52
Alexa Norstad:
Join the LunchAssist community here:
Brenda Ruiz:
Brenda Ruiz, Sacramento Food Policy Council, spinach00:34:41
Terry Brown RD SNS:
So cute!00:34:41
Naomi Shadwell:
Naomi Shadwell, Exec. Director of CNS for San Marcos USD. I'm also loving citrus!00:34:50
Erin Primer:
So cute! Congrats Jen :)00:35:08
Susan Dalandan:
Congratulations, such a cutie!00:35:13
Lisa White:
Lisa White, SRVUSD, CA. Brussel sprouts00:35:18
Tara Thatcher:
Oh my gosh - what a cutie! That smile is precious00:35:23
Polly Houston:
Adorable Lola and beautiful family00:35:24
Naomi Shadwell:
So adorable!!!00:36:50
Jennifer McNeil:
Aw thanks everyone! We are so happy. Babies are the best! Hehe.00:36:59
Alexa Norstad:
Register for next month’s call:
Valerie Weivoda:
Valerie Weivoda, MS, RD, LD, SNS! Child Nutrition Director at Lee County School District in Tupelo, MS. Fav fall/winter produce I'm loving this year is butternut squash!!!00:37:46
Alexa Norstad:
28 Days Moments in Black History that Changed the World:
Alexa Norstad:
LunchAssist Civil Rights Training:
Julianna Roberts:
yeah my cousin Susan Burns is from Madera00:39:31
Lunch at the Library - Kari:
@Brian Great work!00:40:37
Alexa Norstad:
QUESTION: What new recipes have you tried out lately?00:41:07
Julianna Roberts:
love that fiesta bowl00:41:29
Laurel Goins:
Beef picadillo. It was yummy!00:41:32
Ana Grajeda:
we made chicken apple salad yesterday via zoom with our parents it was Great :)00:41:54
Alexa Norstad:
QUESTION: How do you let your staff know they are appreciated?00:41:57
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
That’s such a great idea, Ana! How did it go with the parents??00:42:00
Ana Grajeda:
Great Job00:42:29
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Love it!00:42:30
Alexa Norstad:
FRAC’s summary of the Omnibus Funding for Child Nutrition:
Valerie Weivoda:
We are rolling out new recipes constantly trying to use our USDA foods: Monte Cristo Breakfast Biscuits, Chicken Nibblers, Baked Cinnamon Apple hand pies, BBQ Empanada, Pepper Jack Cheese Dip, Pepper jack Mac & Cheese, Pepper Jack Chkn Quesadillas...00:43:47
Valerie Weivoda:
Ana Grajeda, I LOVE the idea of having a zoom session with parents. What time of day did you do this? How did it go/00:43:51
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Those foods sound delicious, Valerie!00:44:07
Ana Grajeda:
lunch time here 1230-100 noon00:44:24
Maddy Moritsch:
If you are interested in implementing a gratitude practice for your amazing staff, check out Healthier Generation's Sustainable Gratitude Practice Resource:
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Thanks for sharing, Maddy!00:44:41
Ana Grajeda:
we just finish an exercise class with our parents twice a week also for cooking classes00:46:01
Valerie Weivoda:
Love that Ana! I've thought of trying to start an exercise class. I'd like to talk to you about how you have organized all of these zoom sessions :)00:46:14
Terry Brown RD SNS:
Great news that CA opted in!00:46:19
Ana Grajeda:
Alexa Norstad:
For those of you operating an At-Risk Supper Program outside of California, are you taking attendance by student name? Or has your state agency allowed you to use a tally count in lieu of student names? What creative ways are you meeting this requirement?00:46:36
Abby Halperin | Center for Ecoliteracy:
For california districts, have you received the additional $0.75? Has it made a difference? We’re talking with legislators right now about more funding for this school year and it would be great to know how/if the existing funding has helped.00:46:49
Jamie Anderson:
What if we missed the FFCRA waiver?00:47:48
Kat Soltanmorad:
Abby- Yes we received it and anything helps. Hopefully Universal Meals is part of the legislative visits for your team.00:47:48
Suzanne King:
The additional $.75 has made a tremendous difference for my District because the fall in meal sales has meant so much less revenue.00:48:03
Abby Halperin | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Thanks so much Suzanne! That’s great to hear.00:48:29
Susan Dalandan:
In PA, we only need a tally. Most of the CACFP programs are with enrolled students in child care, so the majority have names as well. However, we do have a few sites that are open drop in and afterschool at our firehouses (fire safety, police safety, household safety lessons and exercises) and we only need a tally for that.00:48:51
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Hi Jamie - the FFCRA waiver is just an FYI. Nothing you need to do. CA already opted in. :)00:48:57
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
Thank you for sharing, Susan!00:48:59
Susan Dalandan:
They try to get names at the beginning of the program kick off, but not always possible.00:49:12
Lisa Buskirk:
Oregon, and we must keep attendance by name.00:49:29
Amy Hedrick-Farr:
This is amazing news!00:50:02
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Thank you, Susan! Any other states allowing tally sheets? We would love to share this info with the CA Dpt. Ed.00:50:05
Abby Halperin | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Thanks @Kat, yes, universal meals is a big priority for us this year!00:50:41
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Thanks Lisa for letting us know about OR00:51:22
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
If the funding formulas were more favorable for schools that have moderate ISPs, and if there were extra state funding for it, would you consider implementing CEP for the 2021-2022 school year? Why or why not?00:51:26
Valerie Weivoda:
MS school here operating ASCP...currently using names because we are in normal after school tutoring (with social distancing).00:51:48
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Good to know, Valerie!00:52:23
Emma Finn:
GREAT opportunity to incorporate good purchasing values - into your wellness policy!!00:52:25
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Op-ed written by Dr. Katie Wilson:
Maddy Moritsch:
Thanks for the plug Jen! Healthier Generation has some great resources to get you on track for the LSWP triennial Assessment:
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Has your school reopened? If yes, what protocols are in place to help keep your team safe? If not, what strategies would need to be in place in order for you to feel safe about bringing students back on campus?00:57:34
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Do you think a national summer school would be beneficial to help students “make up”?00:58:15
Amy Glodde:
as a parent, yes00:59:03
Kat Soltanmorad:
@Alexa-Yes, reopened hybrid for a second time Monday this week. We have MERF13 filters in each classroom, building, N95 masks, masks for all including students, gloves as requested, washing hand stations, desk shields, and only in session 4 days a week.. 1 day is deep clean at each campus. Food Services staff have worked every day since March 13 with the public and in the kitchens with colleagues.....00:59:15
KRisten TEkell:
Napa Valley USD is open! We use social distancing, grab and go meals, and use outdoor spaces when possible to name a few. National Summer school will pose schedule issues with CA union and current schedules for Food Service workers.01:00:30
Kat Soltanmorad:
@Alexa, especially for special education students who have had the least equitable access to education throughout this pandemic. They are the forgotten group. Summer school would be great for our crew as we always offer Seamless summer and buses for our summer programs. Receiving funding would be ideal.01:00:58
Regina Salmon:
Yes, we have reopened. The students are eating outdoors durin01:02:26
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
What do you think the impact of not having salad bars this year will have on farm to school programs?01:03:16
Suzanne Yamanishi:
We have been packing salads to go out as a full lunch item.01:04:23
Frances Gonzalez:
@Alexa my district makes single serve veggie boxes and individual packaged salads to get the kids fresh veggies and to continue to order from our local farms01:04:56
Susan Dalandan:
No, in our part of PA,some are hybrid, a couple very small districts went in-person from September. But we are in an area of high community transmission. Many teachers are using staying virtual as a bargaining tool for contract negotiations as long as vaccines are not available for teachers. Some of the larger city districts in PA are thinking about moving to some in-person in April. Several tried hybrid before the holidays, but there were too many cases in the schools, especially in the middle and high schools.01:06:31
Jennifer McNeil:
Mashed potatoes sound delicious right now… just sayin’01:07:01
Regina Salmon:
Here are some of what we at Fortuna High School District has put in place when we reopened.01:07:07
Regina Salmon:
Meals will be picked up inside the cafeteria • Meal pick up will be strategically coordinated using staggered release times from classrooms to prevent congestion. • Extended pick up times to allow social distancing. • Markers and floor signage have been placed six feet apart on sidewalks and floors, to ensure students stay apart while waiting to be served. • All entrances and exits are equipped with proper sanitation products, including hand sanitizer and/or sanitizing wipes. • Students are required to sanitize before touching the pin pad on the POS. • Before handling service containers, beverages and utensils, hands will be washed thoroughly and put on food service gloves to avoid any contamination of the containers. Gloves will be worn throughout the service time, changing them when needed. • Facial coverings must be worn at all times by both students and staff. • Staff are 6 foot distanced, behind clear screens as much as possible. • Administration and Cafeteria Staff will be present during serving time.01:07:24
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Wow, THANK YOU for sharing, Regina!!!01:08:41
Regina Salmon:
Here is the rest...01:08:46
Regina Salmon:
Make reasonable efforts to ensure social distancing. • Common surfaces like doors and waiting areas will be disinfected after every meal service. • Meals will be taken outside, or taken home with individually plated or bagged meal.01:08:48
Valerie Weivoda:
MS, schools are completely opened. My district is 5 days weekly. All students & staff wear masks; extended meal periods for social distancing; alternating those that dine in the classroom or some schools eat completely in classroom.01:10:16
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Great ideas, Maureen! We love it all <301:10:30
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
Valerie - are the students in the classroom social distancing as well?01:11:16
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
CDE Smarter Lunchrooms Movement:
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
Action for Healthy Kids also has some great smarter lunchrooms resources:
Valerie Weivoda:
We also have a dining room two-part cleaning routine that involve the teachers to help us clean tables between classes. We have a spray that staff use at the end of the day on all tables, door knobs, ect. They wipe the tables down to remove any residue in the AM. We have containers of disinfectant wipes cashiers keep by them to wipe down high contact areas often throughout meal time. Stopped using pin pads but really need to bring them back to speed the line back up. Unfortunately, I don't believe they are able to space students out as mulch as they would like so they've opted for plastic barriers on every student desk.01:16:13
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
Very well said! Thank you Maureen! Such an inspiration.01:17:19
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
USDA Team Nutrition Training Grant for School Meal Recipes:
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Gro More Good Garden Grant:
Linda Prescott:
Maureen can you direct me to where to find your how to videos01:18:05
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Whole Kids Foundation Garden Grant:
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
We love Maureen’s innovative menu planning solutions01:18:39
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
CDFA Farm to School Incubator Grant:
Maureen Pisanick:
Thank you all - for more recipe inspiration find us at
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
CDE School Breakfast Program and Summer Meal Program Start-up and Expansion Grants:
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
CDE NSLP Equipment Assistance Grant:
Julianna Roberts:
thanks again ladies for all the wealth of information it is much appreiciated Local Nutrition Directors Meeting Butte County01:19:54
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
CDE Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Application:,2021%E2%80%93June%2030%2C%20202201:20:16
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
SY 20-21 CACFP AR Checklist:
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
If you are having a CACFP AR this year definitely take a look at that checklist as it’s a bit simpler and easier to follow. We hope it helps you! :)01:20:48
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Chef Ann Foundation: Scratch Cooking To-Go Recipes:
Carrie Nickols:
The tally sheet that is on your site that now says "COVID-19 Emergency Feeding
Daily Meal Count Form" is approved to use?01:21:16
Emma Finn:
Woohoo! Thank you for the shoutout, CEL x LunchAssist!01:21:19
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Friends of the Earth - Organic School Food: A Road Map for Success:
Emma Finn:
Register for the webinar at
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Friends of the Earth Webinar
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
CDFA| Farm to School Network Conference
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
Hi Carrie - yes it is actually nearly the same as the CDE form just slightly modified. You can use this or any other meal count form that helps you take meal counts in a way that makes sense for your program.01:22:08
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Culinary Institute of America | Global Plant Forward Culinary Summit:
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
What is something you do on a daily basis, out of habit?01:23:55
Suzanne King:
Making my morning coffee01:24:28
Maddy Moritsch:
Unfortunately, checking my phone right when I wake up is a habit I formed during pandemic. Definitely looking forward to changing this!01:25:27
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
Maddy, agree! scrolling through news and social media half asleep, anyone?01:25:42
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
I have started keeping a tally sheet on my desk to mark off how many bottles of water I’ve had each day. I try and check off all my tallies every day, and even if I don’t succeed, I make sure to make it a priority the next day!!01:25:59
Susan Dalandan:
Stretching and walking workout - I have been emulating my cat for years now! lol01:26:16
Susan Dalandan:
Oh, I like the water one!01:26:49
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
SY 20-21 Cafeteria Team Checklist:
Sally Spero:
Clean the top of my desk at the end of the day01:27:02
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Ooo, good one, Sally!01:27:39
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
Recommended Reading: “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg and “Atomic Habits” by James Clear01:27:46
Abby Halperin | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Please feel free to put questions for discussion in the chat, or come off of mute to ask them.01:27:56
Jamie Anderson:
What was Maureen email?01:28:18
Abby Halperin | Center for Ecoliteracy:01:28:27
Maureen Pisanick:01:28:31
Maureen Pisanick:
Ricardo Espinosa:
what are you all doing for home delivery01:28:38
Ricardo Espinosa:
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Oh my gosh, LOVE the Wellbeing Calendar Laura just shared!01:28:52
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Printing it out now :)01:29:08
Jamie Anderson:
Frozen meals01:29:09
Kristie Summers:
We are bussing meals to drop off sites in neighborhoods.01:29:10
Susan Dalandan:
Thank you and have a great day. This is a very busy conference week, but I can01:29:11
Frances Gonzalez:
Our bus drivers deliver meals01:29:18
Susan Dalandan:
but I can01:29:18
Leslie Pring:
School nurse refers students for home delivery and verifies information..01:29:29
Susan Dalandan:
but I can't miss these calls!01:29:58
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
Aw thank you Susan. We appreciate you being here! <301:30:01
Ricardo Espinosa:
thanks ! :)01:30:26
Michael Jochner | Director@MHUSD:
We deliver once a week. Targeted low income, large apartment complexes, and mobile home areas within our community.01:30:43
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
Thank you for sharing about home delivery, Kristen!01:30:49
Lisa Buskirk:
Busing meals daily. K-1 returns Monday01:30:58
Michael Jochner | Director@MHUSD:
Staff cars, pay mileage.01:31:45
Suzanne King:
CA has to have permission from the family in writing01:31:57
Sarah Prince:
TN must have a signed consent from the family for SSO or CACFP01:32:13
Jennifer Herrold:
Indiana has to have consent01:32:20
Leslie Pring:
We have a written consent and is only available while in distance learning.....01:33:01
Jamie Anderson:
I didn't know that about SSO, guess I missed it!01:34:26
Leslie Montano:
We deliver once a week. We have a google form where students & families sign up for home deliveries (on our website and sent as a reminder for anyone who still wants to join in receiving meals). They get meals for a week and shelf stable bags from the Alameda county food bank :)01:34:59
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
Thank you everyone for sharing how you are doing and keeping track of home delivered meals!01:36:21
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Thanks for sharing, Brenda!01:36:23
Patricia Lopez:
How do we register for that webinar?01:36:57
Suzanne King:
Thank you, Brenda!01:37:25
Cathy Moen:
thanks Brenda, I have parents calling and asking how to sign up.01:38:29
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Here’s the link to download the insert:
Maureen Pisanick:
We are super excited to still offer "Try-days" and "Local Meal Takeovers" - I'd be happy to assist in anyway I can01:38:45
Brenda Ruiz:
P EBT is not open yet for 'sign up'. we'll know a lot more on Feb 28 what the roll out is going to look like in California01:38:51
Brenda Ruiz:
Brenda Ruiz:
Mari Fujikawa:
Since CDE will pull the Free/Reduced students from CALPADS by the end of February, we would appreciate being able to send out P-EBT communication soon. I thought I read there won’t be an application for P-EBT this round.01:39:20
Emma Finn:
Thank you LunchAssist x CEL for another great community call! We so appreciate the sharing of resources and partnership <301:39:30
Brenda Ruiz:
*feb 18 for PEBT webinar01:39:54
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
Thank you, Emma! we appreciate everyone joining today :)01:40:46
Lorene Randazzo:
great presentation !!01:40:49
Brenda Ruiz:
for p EBT it's not really an application, more of a sign up or registration01:41:08
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Register here:
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Thanks, Lorene!01:42:05
Suzanne King:
Always excited to see Michael's background01:42:16
Michelle Hernandez:
Thank you!! These meetings are great!01:42:22
Valerie Weivoda:
Thank you!01:42:28
Brenda Ruiz:
thank you!01:42:28
Polly Houston:
Thank you everyone. Very informative.0