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Community of Practice Call March 4, 2021

Community of Practice Call March 4, 2021
About this Series
The Center for Ecoliteracy and LunchAssist host regular Community of Practice calls where we review the latest policy updates and highlight tools, best practices, and lessons learned from school districts and allied organizations across the state of California. This free series offers an opportunity for districts to connect with one another, share ideas, and build connections with community partners and government agencies around the state.
March 4, 2021 Call
Guest Speakers: Neha Kanade Cramer, MPH and Brianna Dumas, MPH, RDN, LD from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- wide
Chat: Community of Practice Call March 4, 2021
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Welcome! Please introduce yourself by typing your name, position, and where you work into the chat box.00:39:09
Jamie Phillips:
Jamie Phillips-Director of Nutrition-Vista Unified- Going on Vacation00:39:14
Natalie Lareau:
Natalie Lareau, program assistant at F2I Center. My favorite Spring activity is gardening :)00:39:18
Galina Flury:
Good morning Galina Flury, Green Technical Education & Employment, Program Manager00:39:21
Robin Hernandez:
Robin Hernandez, No Kid Hungry00:39:24
Paloma Perez Bertrand:
Good morning! Paloma with LunchAssist00:39:25
Karina Apodaca:
Karina Apodaca from the Center for Healthy Communities00:39:27
Nicole Hite:
Good Morning! Nicole Hite, Operations Supervisor for San Dieguito UHSD. I'm looking forward to being outside and hiking more!00:39:29
Barbara Hughes:
Barbara Hughes, CalFresh Healthy Living Nutrition Policy Advisor, County of San Diego HHSA; stand up paddleboarding!00:39:30
Abby Halperin | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Morning everyone! Abby Halperin, Policy and Grants Manager at the Center for Ecoliteracy. Excited about spring wildflowers.00:39:34
Debbie Austin, Director of Child Nutrition, Mountain View Whisman School District00:39:34
Caitlin Merlo:
Hi Everyone. Caitlin Merlo, CDC Healthy School Branch. Looking forward to relaxing in my new hammock.00:39:35
Alexa Norstad | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Hello, hello! Alexa Norstad, Director of Programs at the Center for Ecoliteracy. I’m looking forward to planting out my vegetable garden this spring.00:39:35
Brendan Shields:
Brendan Shields, Director of Food Services Magnolia School District. Looking forward to cooking and eating outside, by the pool.00:39:36
MAUREEN Pisanick:
Maureen Pisanick, Pisanick Partners - preparing our garden for spring flowers and veggie planting00:39:37
Jill Whittenberg:
Jill Whittenberg, La Mesa-Spring Valley Child Nutrition Director,00:39:37
Leslie Pring:
Leslie Pring, Nutrition Director, Twin Rivers USD, Sacramento CA. Looking forward to watching baseball!00:39:37
Celeste Reynoso:
Celeste Reynoso, Student Achievement and Wellness- Orange County Department of Education. Looking forward to biking!00:39:38
Alyce Hernandez:
Alyce Hernandez Cloverdale food service director00:39:39
Tara Thatcher:
Good morning everyone - Tara Thatcher with Darlington Snacks, Regional - West. I am looking forward to warm bike rides with my dog!00:39:40
Sally Spero:
Sally Spero, retired but still school lunch nerd, being able to go to more places since I have both my shots!00:39:41
Michelle Hernandez:
Michelle Hernandez- Director of Food Service - Carpinteria Unified00:39:42
Elizabeth Lyon:
Hello! I’m Libby Lyon, Operations Specialist at Fairfax County Public Schools. Can’t wait to go for walks and watch everything bloom!00:39:46
Cynthia Long:
Cindy Long Loleta Elementary School gardening00:39:50
Laurel Goins:
Laurel Goins Lucia MAr. Im excited because I got a vaccine appointment!00:39:53
Debra Jean Garza:
Debra Garza, Parkrose SD Nutrition Director. Luau, Spring Break Meals00:39:56
Dawn Stone Escondido Union School District00:39:57
Amber Watson:
Hello! Amber Watson, Director of Nutrition @ Marysville Joint Unified SD; I am looking forward to hiking and kayaking00:39:59
Chela Cooper:
Chela Cooer, Md State Dept of Ed, School Nutrition Operations. Good morning!00:40:04
Colleen Robinson:
Colleen Robinson with SDUSD F& N Services00:40:05
Maddy Moritsch:
Maddy Moritsch, Alliance for a Healthier Generation; excited to get out in the sun00:40:06
Sandra Banuelos:
Good morning!! Sandra Banuelos Senior Accountant at Lake Elsinore USD00:40:08
Laura Benitez:
Welcome! Please introduce yourself by typing your name, position, and where you work into the chat box. What spring activities are you looking forward to?00:40:18
Hollie Hillard:
Hollie Hillard, Sand Creek Elementary, Michigan Looking forward to lake time!!00:40:29
Michael Ackley-Grady:
Michael Ackley-Grady, CDFA - Office of Farm to Fork, Farm to School Marketplace Lead00:40:31
Ana Grajeda:
Good Morning Everyone Ana Grajeda Parent Coordinator/Food Service from Los Angeles Academy of Arts & Enterprise00:40:31
Gina Pierce:
Gina Pierce Nurition Services Supervisor SDUHSD..Hi everyone..00:40:31
Cassandra Bahr:
Cassandra Bahr, School Lunch Program Director, Elevate School00:40:39
Joyce Walker:
Joyce Walker- Nutrition Services Supervisor-EDUHSD00:40:45
Laura Benitez:
Join the LunchAssist community here:
Vickie Bunnell:
Vickie Bunnell, Curwensville ASD00:40:48
Susan Dalandan:
Susan Dalandan, Lehigh Valley, PA00:40:50
Sharon Antiste:
Good morning Sharon Antiste here from Lummi Nation School cook00:40:56
Rosie Robles:
Rosie Robles, Southern Kern USD Food Service Supervisor00:40:59
Nancy Deming:
Nancy Deming, Oakland Unified, sustainability mgr, and a few other districts in the bay area. more kayaking!00:41:00
Sneh Nair:
Good morning .00:41:15
Christina Cazares:
Christina Cazares-Supervisor-Escondido Union High School District. Looking forward to summer.00:41:24
Emily Cena:
Emily Cena, Director of Food & Nutrition, Ramona Unified00:41:38
Geri Lorenzana:
Geri Lorenzana, Mountain View SD Nutrition Specialist, looking forward to hiking.00:41:48
Alicia Pitrone:
Alicia Pitrone, Student Nutrition Director Escondido Union High School District00:41:59
Sneh Nair:
Sneh Nair, Nutrition Services Director,San Juan Unified CA00:42:06
Ana Grajeda:
Hope everyone is doing well00:42:09
Sarah Doherty:
Good Morning, Sarah Doherty - Nutrition Director at North Monterey County USD00:42:12
Susan Dalandan:
Looking forward to no more snow and outdoor gardening!00:42:37
Brian Chiarito:
Brian Chiarito - Director of Child Nutrition at Madera USD00:42:39
Lisa Seiber-Garland:
Lisa Seiber-Garland, School Nutrition Director for Trenton Special School District. I'm looking forward to being able to travel again.00:42:47
Rosa Rubio:
Good morning, Rosa Rubio from Calistoga USD00:42:47
Krysta Williams | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Krysta Williams, Program Manager. I’m really looking forward to wildflower hikes!00:43:42
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Chat box: If there is another topic you’re interested in, please let us know in the chat box.00:43:59
Deirdre Kleske:
Hello from Deirdre Kleske, County of San Diego HHSA!00:44:49
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
Hi Everyone! Jen here from LunchAssist - so happy to be here with all of you. My favorite part of Spring, like many others, is definitely the wildflowers!00:45:17
Susan Delgado:
Susan Delgado, Mountain View School District, El Monte, CA00:45:29
Amanda Bast:
Hello! Amanda Bast from SFE in partnership with Ferguson-Florissant School District in Missouri! :)00:45:37
Lisa White:
Lisa White, CN Area Supervisor SRVUSD. Love the green hills and spring flowers.00:45:38
Catherine Paredes:
Hello - Cathy Paredes from Sunny Borrego Springs; Food Service Director for Borrego Springs USD and so looking forward to a Spring Break this year!!00:45:48
Beth Kujawa:
What is everyone going to do when the waivers expire 6/30? We will have been feeding the community for 17 months straight and then we just stop?00:46:27
Hank Stelzl:
Hank Stelzl. Bella Mente Academies, Love getting the new season in the garden started.00:47:17
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
FoodCorps Action Alert:
Ana Grajeda:
I've been doing cooking classes with our parents twice a week Wednesday/Friday 1230-10000:48:07
Laura Bullene Jacobo:
^Ana that is awesome! Maybe you can share resources next call?00:48:16
Stephanie Bruce:
Hopeful they will be extended00:48:20
Ana Grajeda:
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
That's awesome, Ana G! Thank you for sharing, yes! we would love to learn more to share on the next call00:48:54
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
FoodCorps Action Alert:
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Great Tool for CEP:
Jamie Anderson:
Sorry, I was multi tasking do we have to apply for this waiver?00:53:51
Stephanie Bruce:
CA has said that we can not use this for renewing our or extending our bids. Have you heard any different for CA??00:54:56
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
FRAC’s summary of the Omnibus Funding for Child Nutrition:
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
New SNA Report, School Nutrition Reimbursement and Meals Served in 2020:
Laurel Goins:
oh I love a good graph!00:56:17
Sally Spero:
Not to mention loss of a la carte, catering and other sources of income00:56:54
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
Good point Sally - the additional funding doesn’t cover a la carte, catering, or other sources of revenue00:57:08
Emily Cena:
Could you please clarify whether those emergency operational cost reimbursements are specific to Child Nutrition, or will be paid to the District (Fund 1)?00:57:20
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
@Jamie - no waiver for you to apply for00:57:49
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
@Emily - this will be paid to Fund 13 and allocated as restricted funds that cannot be used for sources outside of the Child Nutrition Programs00:58:46
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Read more about the reports from the Center for Ecoliteracy and the School Nutrition Association on California school meal budget deficits:
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
@Stephanie - the emergency procurement cannot be used to extend or renew a bid… it has to be a NEW one time contract and NEW emergency non-competitive solicitation. Its just a minor nuance in how your phrase it. But it cannot be used to extend - it must be a new one time emergency non competitive procurement, but it can be with an existing vendor….00:59:29
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
To learn more about the School Meals for All advocacy efforts, read the Center for Ecoliteracy’s press release:
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
If you would like to support School Meals for All in California, please sign and send a support letter to Senator Skinner at:
Kim Andreasen:
This would be spoecific for California. The federal funding is the biggest chunk of our funding on meals. Is California looking to pay us what we get Federally and State funding?01:02:33
Jamie Anderson:
Love the veggies meals we use a lot too! Your meals look great!01:03:23
Amy Hedrick-Farr:
Erin is sa rock star!!01:04:08
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
^ so true!01:04:38
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Chef Ann Home Recipe Video Series
Abby Halperin | Center for Ecoliteracy:
@Kim, great question! Yes, the details are still be worked out, but the idea is that California would first help school districts maximize any available federal programs (like CEP) and then make up the difference of what you’d normally get from state and federal funding so that schools can provide all students with free meals.01:05:07
Emma Finn:
Friends of the Earth is also offering direct technical assistance for school districts looking to increase plant-forward menu items!!01:05:42
Emma Finn:
WOW! We love to see it :D01:06:13
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
What new thing are you wanting to try this month?01:06:45
Hank Stelzl:
So amazing. So glad to see this type of food out there.01:06:52
Erin Primer:
Thank you Krysta - LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!01:07:21
Erin Primer:
We're celebrating National Nutrition Month with a drive-thru BINGO event!! This will be NEW & FUN!01:07:22
Rebecca Ward:
super excited for the plant forward cooking classes!01:07:22
Hank Stelzl:
Family cooking classes with more bean protein. Stews/soups etc.01:07:23
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
At home - I’m trying roasted radishes! I don’t like raw radishes, but they taste completely different when they are roasted and drizzled with a little honey!01:07:23
Laurel Goins:
Great job Erin!01:07:31
Mary Mathieu-Ruiz:
Jen is the funding you were eady submitted last fall?01:07:40
Hank Stelzl:
Roasted radishes are delish.01:07:53
Rebecca Ward:
almost all of my team will be fully vaccinated by march 22nd :)01:08:32
Hank Stelzl:
chilled pasta/soba noodles with a thai lime sauce and fresh veggies this month's cooking it up class recipe.01:09:02
Krysta Williams | Center for Ecoliteracy:
@Jamie, that’s great! What are some favorite veggie recipes from your district?01:09:07
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
@Hank that sounds delicious01:09:18
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Miguel Cadrona, new Secretary of Education: 5 Point Plan for Safe Reopening
Mary Mathieu-Ruiz:
Let me try again. Is the funding you were talking about in the beginning of the call in addition to the claim / funding we submitted last fall?01:09:40
Hank Stelzl:
@paloma Thank you. I could share my recipe if you send me your email01:09:51
Tara Thatcher:
Side note - I haven't received the follow up emails the last few calls01:10:10
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Please share how school reopening is going for you! Have you found strategies that work well for your schools? What model are you using and why?01:10:22
Dr. Robert Lewis:
Drive thru only01:11:13
Stephanie Bruce:
Grab and Go as students leave campus01:11:14
Nancy Deming:
we are taking our breakfast in the classroom model and updating for improvements.01:11:14
Amy Hedrick-Farr:
getting ready, opening next week01:11:19
Celeste Reynoso:
Meal distribution amongst bus routes01:11:29
Jennifer Mattocks:
What menu item are you using to celebrate earth day?01:11:30
Jess Simonson | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Thanks for flagging, Tara. I will follow up with you 1:1 about follow up emails!01:11:33
Kat Soltanmorad:
Second reopening as of Feb 1. Offering hybrid on campus meals in the classroom at all campuses (2 days a week/half days). Moving to 5 days a week in a couple of weeks. Curbside, neighborhood deliveries once a week with 5 days of meals continue.01:11:35
Diane Sharpe:
We have been open since September 9th! Virtual learners as well. We provide frozen , hot on campus and drive through.01:11:46
Emily Cena:
We have been open in a blended model since October. Students attend in-person 2 full days per week (cohort A or B), and learn from home 3 days. We serve breakfast and lunch on campus to those who are present. On the one day each week when no students attend, we do drive-through weekly meal bags.01:12:37
Emily Cena:
^and yes, we only give 5 days in our meal bags01:12:56
Tanya Harter:
Is anyone whos back in school providing fresh fruits and veggies on garden bars?01:13:05
Cherrity Leyson:
we provide a daily bag breakfast, off campus we provide a 7 day meal bag kids on campus take 5 days home at the end of the first on campus day01:13:11
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
@Mary MR, the funding is separate from the Prop 98 Disaster Claims and the supplemental 75 cent rate increase if those are the ones you are referring to01:13:13
Catherine Paredes:
BSUSD began in person Hybrid Model in October with Distance Learning as an alternative, District Wide. In December, the District went to 4 days a week for all student already on campus and promptly closed campuses due to some positive COVID cases. In the 3rd week of January, the Hybrid Model was offered and this week the District has returned to 4 days a week with Distance Learning as an alternative. As far as meal services, it's been a continual roller coaster!01:13:17
Susan Dalandan:
Kids in school are getting and eating meals in classroom. If anyone needs to move class to class, it is the teacher.01:13:29
From Texas here.. We have been on campus since August. We have virtual students and open sites. Each campus has a different meal model and we have been successful in our feeding models and have ZERO Covid illnesses in the last month!01:13:30
Dr. Robert Lewis:
Our drive thrus are open every day at every school01:13:32
Emily Cena:
@Tanya -- we don't have any self-service items (no salad bars, no condiment pumps, no self service milk coolers)01:13:46
Cynthia Long:
Hybrid model grab n go breakfast for those on campus rest included on meal kits 5 day meal kits include distance learner breakfast, 5 day of lunch & FFVP snack01:13:58
Jennifer Herrold:
Serving on site since August/September with virtual learners. Simplied choices daily and 2 week cycle menu for OVS. Breakfast in classroom for all and K-8 eating lunch in classroom while High School in cafteria01:14:05
Nancy Deming:
Green Schoolyards America will be having a section on meal service for outdoor service released soon. Many of these can be used for a classroom and grab n go set ups.01:14:05
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
@Jill WOW! Thank you for sharing. Thanks for sharing everyone!01:14:32
Mary Mathieu-Ruiz:
@Paloma, yes that is what I was referring to. Thank you. Where can I find more information? I had just signed on. Mary01:15:18
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
@mary we can send more information on the call follow-up resources01:15:36
Becky Woodman:
We continue with all distance learning. Delivering meals via bus route 2 days per week 5 meals total. As we move in to phase 1 hybrid learning. We will continue with home deliveries. No more than 1 hour 55 minutes of instructional time spent on campus.01:16:16
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
School Nutrition Checklist - CDC:
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Safely Distributing School Meals during COVID-19 - CDC:
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
@mary, here is also FRAC’s summary of the Omnibus Funding for Child Nutrition:01:17:15
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
Stephanie Bruce:
LOVE Donna Martin!!!!!!!!!!!!01:22:10
Laurel Goins:
Can Confirm Donna is amazing!01:22:42
Brianna Dumas:
Will let you know when the other resources post!01:23:00
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
We’re excited to be a part of the March issue of Served Digizine!
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Cafeteria Team Checklist:
Nancy Deming:
Sharing the link where the outdoor meal service resource will be on Green Schoolyards America:
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
HACCP Plan Supplement:
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Culinary Institute of America | Global Plant Forward Culinary Summit
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
CDFA| Farm to School Network Conference
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Whole Kids Foundation Garden Grant
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
CDE: NSLP Equipment Assistance Grant
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
Hi Everyone - we will transition to Q&A in a few moments, so feel free to pop any questions into the chat box, especially if you have any questions for our wonderful guests, Neha and Brianna!01:27:35
Erin Primer:
Celebrate NNM with SLCUSD!
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Use your favorite emoji in the chat if you’ve seen or experienced burnout.01:29:10
Patty Keane:
For Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics members, the Academy is requesting stories about federal nutrition programs to support our advocacy efforts, so would be great to hear stories from this group about child nutrition programs. You need to be a member to submit, but an Academy member can submit on behalf of a non-member. Here’s the link:
Bethany Markee:
We are returning to school 3/9/2021. I find talking with each principal and reviewing our plan for each school has proven to be helpful. Sometimes simple is best :)01:32:12
Maddy Moritsch:
To help food service professional foster self-care and wellness with their staff, Healthier Generation has a 2 part webinar to called Fostering a Culture of Wellness, Gratitude, and Self-Care: Strategies for Food Service Directors (Part 1)
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
? @laura hard to use emojis if using zoom in the computer ?01:32:45
Maddy Moritsch:
Fostering a Culture of Wellness, Gratitude, and Self-Care: Strategies for Food Service Directors (Part 2):
Susan Dalandan:
What are tumbleweed projects? That's a new term to me!01:33:01
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Agreed - different question - how have you energized your team? What do you find is effective for them?01:33:22
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
@Bethany - you are so right. Simple is best! Those 1:1 conversation are gold. Nice work, chef!01:33:41
Susan Dalandan:
@Paloma, it is on the bottom of the screen, a pop-up labeled reactions.01:34:18
Laura Benitez I Center for Ecoliteracy:
We see resilience from farm-to-school procurement and community partnerships. What else are you doing now that could be an advantage later?01:34:28
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
@Susan, ahh reactions! awesome, thank you01:34:38
Hank Stelzl:
change up from sitting to standing with your computer or laptop. i like 20-20-20 2o minutes work 20 second break look 20 feet away01:35:00
Maddy Moritsch:
If you are interested in talking self-care with your staff, this wellness wheel might help facilitate the conversation:
Emily Cena:
In CA, has there been any guidance yet regarding the emergency operational costs? I'm wondering if I missed something...01:35:20
Susan Dalandan:
@Hank, I like that, but I like the 20 minute break! lol01:35:26
Jacqueline Deadmore:
I'm in California - we serve curbside B&L 5 days a week. What can I do to be able to serve suppers in the to-go bags? We also have kids on campus 4 days a week. Would I be able to offer them suppers?01:35:59
MAUREEN Pisanick:
Thanks all - great content as always! More free recipes available @
Debra Jean Garza:
Additional information on Emergency Operational cost reimbursement?01:38:29
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
Does anyone have any specific questions for the CDC team?01:39:57
Catherine Paredes:
Does a District need to be participating in CACFP to offer supper?01:40:02
Emily Cena:
@ Paloma -- I'd love to hear their thoughts about whether it is realistic to expect school to go back to "normal" in the Fall. With students at school 5 days a week.01:40:10
Lori McCoy:
For the CDC, is there a template of talking points that we can share on websites, etc. to let parents know that the CDS backs the safety of school meals? That explains there is no evidance of contrcting the virus from food or food packaging? It is one thing to say it to parents, but they would trust it more coming directly from CDC01:40:12
Jill Whittenberg:
Want to confirm that for CACFP dinners that I'm sending home via drive thru I need a roster from my surrounding districts or can I use my POS? CA cde contact didn't give me a good answer.01:40:25
Sarah Prince:
it is waived for now01:40:37
Sarah Prince:
give them handouts to take home01:40:50
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
@Catherine - yes, you do need to be operating CACFP to participate in supper01:41:17
Susan Dalandan:
Here in PA, our districts are providing take home enrichment materials from partners (fire safety from the Fire Department, library things, etc.) and also offering on-line virtual enrichment activities.01:41:35
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Jill - a district roster that includes your schools should be sufficient01:42:07
Fausat Rahman-Davies:
Hi everyone. We have had our CACFP Audit and we offered online enrichment activities and have handouts. We also have signage at meal pick up locations as to where the enrichment activities can be found.01:42:30
Jill Whittenberg:
Thanks Mickinzie, for every Monday's handout correct?01:43:02
Fausat Rahman-Davies:
Also, check with your sites cause many teachers are offering tutoring options for students. :)01:43:15
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
@Jill - you shouldn’t need to get a new roster every week. Just pull one district roster and keep it on file for your next audit. :)01:43:22
Adriana Lopez:
I am in a district in California. For those of us in with students learning in-person 2 half-days per week, is it allowable for us to serve meals curb-side only on a daily basis to meet the daily meal requirement for in-person learners?01:43:50
Fausat Rahman-Davies:
We are in Rialto, CA just for reference.01:44:07
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
@Adriana - the students need to have access to the meals on their own campus, so as long as they can access the meals without having to go to another campus, that should be fine01:45:26
Susan Dalandan:
The only studies I have seen on virus exposure through food were veterinary and customs documentation for large scale frozen handling (like bulk imported frozen seafood). This was discussed at some length by state departments of agriculture at their winter policy conference.01:45:26
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
Thank you @Fausat for sharing!01:46:33
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
^ to add @Adriana, at the last CDE TownHall meeting, they answered this questions: Q. Should meals served to students on campus be To go sack lunches? A. Schools can continue to offer meals to go, even if students are receiving instruction on campus. However, it
is not a requirement that meals are provided to-go only.01:47:31
Tara Thatcher:
Is anyone doing something different next week for National School Breakfast Week?01:47:38
Susan Dalandan:
If anyone is interested, the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture just released a NASDA Food Security Tool Kit, a resource for state commissioners, secretaries and directors to partner with communities:
Rebecca Ward:
would you please send out some talking points for the Emergency bid process Jenn just covered? I could not write fast enough! :)01:48:16
Catherine Paredes:
Is there an emergency procurement bid form available on CNIPS download forms?01:48:18
Laura Bullene Jacobo:
Since we can't do 'lucky tray' we are doing 'lucky car'01:48:22
Michael Jochner:
Working with local donut shop to give away local donuts (free) for parents who drive through our distribution sites!01:48:23
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
@Rebecca we are going to send the webinar recording + chatbox!01:48:47
We are using USDA Blueberries to make homemade blueberry cinnamon rolls.01:48:48
Mickinzie Lopez | LunchAssist:
@Rebecca - yes, we can also share a handout :)01:49:03
Jamie Anderson:
We are going to wear costumes01:49:18
Tara Thatcher:
That's nice Michael!01:49:46
Tara Thatcher:
Love these ideas. Thank you for sharing ^01:49:57
Michelle Hernandez:
what funding do you use for that? costumes, prizes, etc.01:50:27
Jessica Ortega:
I'd like to know about the funding as well for the costumes and prizes and donuts!01:50:27
Adriana Lopez:
Thank you Jen and everyone else for your input. :)01:50:28
Cherrity Leyson:
our school is mall enough that we hand them to the students as they exit the classroom01:50:41
Michael Jochner:
Office supplies.01:51:02
Michelle Hernandez:
thanks Michael01:53:00
Chela Cooper:
Can Kristina K share that produce market box pack list for the 7 day spring break meal distribution?01:53:59
Chela Cooper:
Thank you!01:54:02
Paloma Perez Bertrand I LunchAssist:
Yum, yum seasonal strawberries!01:54:17
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
I just want to be mindful of time. We scheduled to end at 10:15 PT/1:15 ET. Thank you all for the wonderful discussion and community today. We love this group and are going to stay on a bit longer to continue the discussion.01:55:10
Kristina Kraushaar:
Kristina Kraushaar Rialto Unified School District01:55:11
Fausat Rahman-Davies:
Great job Kristina. She is from Rialto Village in California>:)01:55:39
Ana Grajeda:
Great Job Kristina Keep up the Awesome work01:55:51
Brianna Dumas:
Thank you for the opportunity to share out and hear all the amazing work!01:55:58
Kristina Kraushaar:
Thank you Ana. We have a great leader.01:55:59
Brianna Dumas:
Thank you for having us!01:56:00
Brianna Dumas:
So inspiring!01:56:12
Tara Thatcher:
Thank YOU all! :)01:56:13
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
Big thank you to Neha and Brianna! Looking forward to connecting with you both again soon!01:56:14
Hank Stelzl:
Thank you so much01:56:17
Ana Grajeda:
We love inspire stay safe01:56:19
Michael Jochner:
Thank you CDC for all your support.01:56:20
Jen McNeil I LunchAssist:
And big thanks to Abby as well for the updates!01:56:22
Sarah Prince:
Thank you for the updates.01:56:31
Rebecca Ward:
thank you all!01:56:37
Fausat Rahman-Davies:
Great meeting and very informative! Thank you everyone.>:)01:56:54
Becky Woodman:
Thank you very imformative discussion.01:56:54
Sharon Antiste:
Thank you have a great day0