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Community of Practice Call September 3, 2020

Community of Practice Call September 3, 2020
About this Series
The Center for Ecoliteracy and LunchAssist host regular Community of Practice calls where we review the latest policy updates and highlight tools, best practices, and lessons learned from school districts and allied organizations across the state of California. This free series offers an opportunity for districts to connect with one another, share ideas, and build connections with community partners and government agencies around the state.
September 3, 2020 Call
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Chat: Community of Practice Call September 3, 2020
Welcome! Please introduce yourself by typing your name, position and where you work into the chat box. What is one thing you’re grateful for this week?00:05:34
Deirdre Kleske:
Deirdre Kleske, County of San Diego HHSA - WAIVERS!00:05:37
Abby Halperin | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Good Morning! Abby Halperin, Assessment and Grants Manager from the Center for Ecoliteracy. Grateful for the USDA Waivers!00:05:43
Robert Lewis:
Hello! I am grateful for resourceful colleagues this week.00:05:45
Kristie Summers:
Hello all, from Lakeside California, you have Kristie and Leigh Ann with you today.00:05:46
Stephanie Bruce:
Hello all. Stephanie Bruce, Palm Springs USD. I am grateful for my Amazing Staff!!!00:05:49
JIm Koulias:
Hi I’m Jim Koulias, with the Center for Ecoliteracy. I’m very grateful for the recent $80M addition to the budget!00:05:52
Erin Primer:
Morning! Erin Primer here from San Luis Coastal! I'm grateful for FREE meal waivers this week!00:05:53
Brendan Shields:
Hi, Brendan Shields from Magnolia School District in Anaheim, CA. Happy to be feeding kids , no matter where they are from!00:05:53
Amanda Mascia/SDHunger Coalition:
Amanda Mascia/Hunger Free Kids Manager/SD Hunger Coalition. Grateful for fresh squeezed orange juice and dog snuggles!00:05:54
Cynthia Long:
Cindy Long Head Cook/Food Service Manager at Loleta Elementary School00:05:55
Melinda Nguyen:
Melinda Nguyen, Nutrition Specialist, Texas. I am grateful for my team.00:06:01
Stephanie urena:
Hi Everyone,00:06:01
Catherine Paredes:
HI, Catherine Paredes from Borrego Springs USD, CA here...I'm grateful for air conditioning!!00:06:02
Angelica Castanon:
Angelica Castañon, Sr Policy Analyst, NEA, D.C.00:06:05
Kursten Orr:
Kursten Orr, child nutrition lead at Vallecitos School in Rainbow (northern San Diego County). I am grateful for a wonderful support system!00:06:08
Amy Glodde:
Amy Glodde with No Kid Hungry00:06:08
Valeria La Rosa:
Hola! Valeria La Rosa, Sr. Program Manager, Life Time Foundation. I'm grateful for collaboration00:06:09
Cathy Moen:
Cathy Moen Robla School District Food Service Director. I am grateful for the USDA waivers00:06:09
Jennifer Parenteau:
I am Jennifer Parenteau - I work for the Oregon Dept of Education School Nutrition; I am grateful for creative passionate people serving children00:06:10
Erica Lee:
Erica Lee, Robla ESD in Sacramento. Grateful for this community!00:06:13
Cassandra Bahr:
Cassandra Bahr, Elevate Charter School, Grateful for waivers and my awesome lunch helpers!00:06:14
Amanda Jacobs:
Amanda Jacobs Harmony USD waivers!00:06:14
Devin Kavanagh:
Devin Kavanagh-Food Service Director at Target Range School. Grateful to have kids back in school!00:06:15
Suzanne Yamanishi:
Hello Suzie Yamanishi from Southside School in Hollister, Waivers!00:06:16
liz crook:
Hi all it’s Liz Crook from Lake Elsinore. I am grateful I have a job ?00:06:17
Laurel Goins:
Laurel Goins, Director Food SErvices Lucia MAr Unified I am gratefull for WAIVERS Feed all the kiddos!!!00:06:18
Miguel Villarreal:
Miguel from San Ramon Valley USD. Grateful for smart people!!00:06:19
Monica Drazba:
Monica Drazba, CalFresh Healthy Living, UC Yolo County. I am grateful for clear (smoke free) skies this week00:06:19
Terry Brown RD SNS:
Good Morning Everyone. Terry Brown from K12 Food Pros.00:06:20
Laura Burns:
Laura Burns, Virginia Department of Education00:06:22
Karen Brown:
Good morning, everybody. I’m Karen Brown, creative director of the Center for Ecoliteracy. I’m grateful the fires are currently under control.00:06:22
gail gousha:
Gail Gousha, San Diego Hunger Coalition. Grateful for friends and family00:06:24
JIm Koulias:
Alexa Norstad, Director of Programs at the Center for Ecoliteracy, and very grateful for the snatches of clean air we’re getting.00:06:25
Stephanie urena:
Stephanie Urena from LEUSD00:06:27
Angela Adkins:
Angela Adkins, Nutrition Director Trimble County Kentucky. I am grateful that the USDA agreed to free meals for all.00:06:29
Regina Salmon:
Regina Salmon, Fortuna High, CA, Food Service Manager00:06:31
Sally Spero:
Sally Spero Lakeside Union. Grateful for my great staff!00:06:32
Nora Stewart:
Hello everyone, Nora Stewart from Farm to Institution Center in San Diego County. I am very grateful for this great community and all of you!00:06:33
Christina Hecht:
Hi everyone, Christina Hecht, UC Nutrition Policy Institute. Grateful to all of you for your leadership and teaching!00:06:37
Amanda Bast:
Good morning! Amanda Bast, Nutrition Coordinator for SFE in partnership with the Ferguson Florissant School District.00:06:39
Patty Gallagher:
Hi. Patty Gallagher from Roseland School District. Grateful that the waivers passed00:06:39
Anne Norris:
Anne Marie Norris FS director Windsor Unified00:06:42
Alexandra Magallon:
Alexandra Magallon, DUSD, Dietetic Intern. Grateful for family and DUSD staff.00:06:43
kristen tekell:
Kristen Tekell, Sonoma Valley, Program Manager00:06:50
Anne Norris:
Grateful for the waiver!00:06:52
June Richardson - Ravenswood City School District Child Nutrition Education Department. It's a brand new day!00:06:53
Noi Whitener:
Good Morning My name is Noi Whitener ( Food Service Manager ) for Chawanakee Unified School Dist. I'm grateful for No fires in my mountain Community, and the Seamless Summer Program feeding begining Sept. 8th!00:06:56
Leslie Pring:
Leslie Pring, Twin Rivers USD, Nutrition Services DIrector!00:07:02
Melissa Ulam:
Good morning, all! Melissa Ulam, Manager, Clovis Unified. I'm grateful for our amazing team of food service workers who have been sooo flexible.00:07:03
Emily Penner:
Hi All. Emily Penner, UC Irvine School of Education.00:07:06
Jacqueline Deadmore:
Happy Friday Eve everyone! I'm Jacqueline Deadmore, Food Service Director at Oroville Union High School District. Thankful for my staff who want to feed as many children as possible and continue to come to work with a smile and positive attitude00:07:19
Linda Haas:
Good morning, Linda Haas, Food Service Coordinator from Petaluma, California00:07:33
Kari Johnson:
Good morning, Kari Johnson with the Lunch at the Library Project, CA. Grateful for fresh air and less smoke from fires.00:07:42
Ka Kiu Anthony Au Yeung Au Yeug:
Morning, I am Anthony Au Yeung. a dietetic internship from Illinois State University00:07:44
Leyla Marandi:
Welcome, welcome!00:07:54
Debbie Tamblin:
Good Morning Debbie Tamblin Food Service Director WIlliamsburg Independent School District Williamsburg, KY00:08:08
Rosa Rubio:
Good morning, Rosa Rubio from Calistoga JUSD.00:08:17
Good morning everyone! welcome!00:08:44
Lily Ivanov:
GM! Lily from Downey USD. Grateful we can feed anyone 18 and under now!00:08:56
Lida Gaines:
Lida Gaines, Evergreen SD- San Jose, CA. I am grateful for the staff I work with everyday!!00:09:13
Maddy Moritsch:
Good morning! Maddy Moritsch, Alliance for a Healthier Generation. Grateful to be able to get outside and move my body!00:09:15
Edna Victorio:
Good morning, my name is Edna Victorio and I am a dietetic intern from Oakwood University.00:09:23
Christina Cazares:
Christina Cazares from Escondido, CA00:09:23
Krysta Williams:
Good Morning everyone!00:09:37
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
Hi Everyone - we are grateful for all of you. Seriously you amaze us every day!00:09:43
Stephanie Bruce:
Boy is that true!!!!00:10:07
Deborah Kravitz:
Good Morning! I am Deborah Kravitz from Del Norte Unified School District, Crescent City00:10:09
Stephanie Bruce:
Thank you Mickinzie...your sessions are always so helpful and appreciated00:10:45
Registration link!
Laura Burns:
Do you have any recommended resources for giving gratitude and mental health for nutrition staff?00:13:12
Suzanne Lugotoff:
Can we get what districts are doing when they promote as "Curb Side?" Do parents get out of the car and que up in line in their car? Or, Does Curb Side mean to you - CNS is loading into peoples cars??00:14:16
Emily Cena:
Emily Cena, Director of Food & Nutrition, Ramona Unified School District. Grateful for free meals!00:14:43
Stephanie Bruce:
Oh I LOVE THAT Graphic. Great job Twin Rivers00:14:45
Laura Bullene Jacobo:
How are districts serving multiple times per day under SSO and ensuring no duplicate meals are served since we no longer have POS.?00:15:02
Curbside is to pop up trunk for CNE to drop in or back seat. Contactless and physical distancing.00:15:24
Thank you for sending your questions, if not answered throughout the call there will be some time for discussion at the end :)00:15:30
Brook Stephenson:
we use the bus drive thru and people stay in their cars and we hand them meals.00:16:29
Our delivery is we call the family to make sure they are home and then let them know that they are there to drop off the meals in front of their doors.00:16:49
Brook Stephenson:
Under seamless summer option can we serve for the holiday or is it like NSLP where meals are not reimbursable if there is not an instructional day?00:17:09
Stephanie Bruce:
So proud of Trieste. These videos are GREAT00:17:19
SSO includes holidays and weekends - to my understanding.00:17:36
Maddy Moritsch:
Alliance for a Healthier Generation is exploring making a resource for self-care for food service staff. Since food service has been front line heros for the entirety of the pandemic we definitely know that it is time to see some resources specific to them! Please let me know what needs you are seeing with your staff and what would be helpful topics to explore!00:17:39
Cassandra Bahr:
You all are amazing!00:18:43
Leyla Marandi:
Julianna Roberts:
LunchAssist and you all are great resources00:19:02
What impact do you see with your community now that waivers are extended?00:19:50
Noi Whitener:
Hopefully more student and community participation.00:20:11
Susan Dalandan:
This is PA guidance - don't know what your state says: Further guidance has been requested from USDA to verify if SSO and SFSP meal service is dependent or contingent on instructional days. Therefore, at this time, DFN advises only providing meals under SSO or SFSP for instructional days until further guidance is provided by USDA.00:20:50
Stephanie Bruce:
CA will be providing guidance on their Tuesday at 2 Zoom call00:22:07
Thanks, Noi! we hope student participation increases as well.00:23:21
Paloma/LunchAssist: → select the FREE community membership to join our listserv!00:23:51
Emily Cena:
In CA: If we only have approval for 19-20 SSO at some sites, but we now are serving at all sites, how should we claim them? Should we just enter all meal counts in the sites that have 19-20 SSO approval?00:23:55
@Paloma is Lunchassist located in CA?00:24:01
Anna Severns:
no word on if SFSP and At-Risk can run in tandem, right?00:24:06
Candace Jackson:
If a school district has already started their program under NSLP - can they switch over to SSO or SFSP? Using the new waiver?00:24:06
Debbie Tamblin:
no weekend or holiday meals allowed in Kentucky just got off the phone with my SFSP rep00:24:07
Will be releasing a checklist for this transition, so if you haven’t already - please sign up for our LunchAssist Community membership which is our free membership: → select the FREE community membership to join our listserv!00:25:12
What is the parental consent for home delivery?00:25:53
Question for all of you: What strategies are you using to encourage families to return meal applications in light of distance learning and no meal charging?00:26:28
Michael Jochner:
MHUSD is placing over 1200 personalized phone calls.00:26:36
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
^ amazing00:26:48
Debbie Tamblin:
we had the parents sign the form at drive thru registration00:26:55
Social Media00:27:09
Valerie Weivoda:
Principals including the meal application in registration paperwork.00:27:17
Neighborhood group pages and texts to families00:27:19
Stephanie Bruce:
We are CEP, but before we switched we would market the benefits of completing the form. Flyers, emails with pictures of what classrooms have received as a result of receiving the meal applications.00:27:20
Ericka Solis:
Phone calls for appointments at the meal site pick-up to assist with forms.00:27:26
Laurel Goins:
You have to be careful with incentives. fund 13 can not be used to by prizes ect00:27:28
Would love to hear from the strategies you are using :D thank you for sharing all your ideas!00:27:28
Christina Hecht:
June, here’s the form Palo Alto Unified is using for home delivery,
What other outstanding questions do you have regarding the latest waiver flexibilities?00:28:55
Amanda Mascia/SDHunger Coalition:
Waiting for flexibility update on Parent/Guardian waivers :)00:29:23
Anna Severns:
Texas' TDA had townhall yesterday and explained that USDA has asked the states to submit questions to help drive their guidance. They showed us some of the 45 questions they are submitting and all these outstanding questions are on the list. they are doubtful about swapping NSLP meals out for SSO meals for reimbursement.00:29:49
CALL TO ACTION!Members and Nonmembers can join the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics by taking action here:
That's for the AND00:30:25
And here is the action alert from FoodCorps:00:30:27
Take the Pledge for School Food and stay in the loop with Action Alerts from FoodCorps:
Ericka Solis:
Please send the link to the CA Survey once again.00:31:14
Ericka Solis:
Thank you in advance.00:31:17
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
Survey for CARES act march:
Erin Primer:
GREAT NEWS!00:31:42
Survey report on school food budget deficits:
About reopening...Have your schools reopened for in-person learning? If not, has your district provided a projected date?00:32:42
Francoise Debost:
no and no date00:32:45
Erin Primer:
Only small groups (special education) so far00:32:48
Debbie Tamblin:
virtual through at least 28 Sept.00:32:51
Amanda Bast:
We’ve reopened only virtually00:33:00
Angelica Castanon:
Virtual in DC00:33:01
Sarah Prince:
Opened staggered A/B August 10th.00:33:06
thanks for sharing!00:33:06
Emily Cena:
We don't have a date yet, but we are loosely hearing "maybe within the next 4 weeks"00:33:09
Stephanie Bruce:
No...and if the Governor stops moving the bar, we might be able to nail down a date00:33:10
Barbara Neilly:
In Bar Harbor, Maine in person will be Sept 28th- remote will be from Sept 8-2500:33:17
Melissa Ulam:
still distance learning. Will open as soon as Fresno County is off the watch list00:33:23
Sally Lane:
Opened on August 7th and operating 5 days per week on campus.00:33:23
Regina Salmon:
We have reopened, in person, virtual and hybrid00:33:32
Kristin Hilleman:
9/28 phased reopening through 10/13 at Capistrano USD in South OC California00:33:36
Lida Gaines:
Evergreen SD Distance/ December00:33:47
Sarah Prince:
Allow students to choose in-person or virtual. Starting Sept 8th - All students in building on MT and RF. All Virtual on Wednesdays00:33:55
Catherine Paredes:
I think the link sent to the CARES survey may be incorrect - please send again.00:33:55
Suzanne Yamanishi:
no date yet, re-evaluated every 6 weeks, staying distance for the time being00:34:02
Ravenswood City School District - distance learning until end of October and will reassess00:34:07
Susan Dalandan:
Most of our schools in northeastern PA are stating look at COVID-19 rates in late November or at December holiday break and then make a decision.00:34:10
Cynthia Long:
distance with revisit in Oct00:35:02
Thanks Catherine, let me get the right link and resend00:35:18
Anna Severns:
for schools that have switched to SFSP/SSO already, are you serving only your enrolled students or are you able to feed anyone in community already?00:35:54
Catherine Paredes:
Thanks Paloma - you're the best!!00:36:17
Stephanie Bruce:
Not switching until we hear from state on Tuesday00:36:45
Survey for CARES act:
SSO for entire community 18 yrs and under.00:36:56
Michael Jochner:
Everyone! Let the state come talk to me!00:37:19
Stephanie Bruce:
Michael, I LOVE IT!!00:37:53
Angela Adkins:
Kentucky we are switching from SSO to SFSP and currently we are all virtual.00:38:26
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
I think Michael and Steph are kindred spirits00:38:38
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
Safety Precautions will be sent out in the call notes!00:40:41
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Fran I know the mayor of SF was looking at first week of October, but that may have been the city and not the county. I’ll bet you’ll be hearing more about the county soon since about to be on Tier 2.00:41:36
What menu planning strategies are working well for your schools? How about farm to school strategies?00:41:42
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Thanks for sharing, Kristin @Capo. Are they bringing back elementary first? (Also, *my alma mater* yay)00:42:45
Sally Spero:
Worried that the outbreak at SDSU will move us back a tier. No parties kids!00:43:01
Francoise Debost:
Leyla,, I am in South San Francisco unfortunately...00:43:15
Emily Cena:
^ me too, Sally. eek00:43:19
Michael Jochner:
What other menu ideas are working for your schools?00:43:54
Stephanie Bruce:
Thank you Michael! Great resource00:43:57
Kristin Hilleman:
@Capo we will be bringing back Special Ed then Elementary then Middle then High school00:44:03
Barbara Hughes:
In San Diego county, if you need nutrition education resources please contact me00:44:29
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Thanks for sharing, Kristin, that makes sense. Wishing you best of luck as thing scale up. That is exciting.00:44:49
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
Great recipes available at the Lunch Box from Chef Ann Foundation.
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
^^ yes these are wonderful00:46:31
If you have any specific fruit/vegetable that you would like to see added to the calculator please let us know!00:46:43
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
Bulk Produce Calculator - LunchAssist:
FFVP is providing us fresh fruit and vegetables. But reaching out to community partners have provided us with Fresh Fruit and Vegetable donations supporting local farms since March.00:47:12
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Dominic Machi in Mt. Diablo is vending to his local senior meals on wheels program — the meal pattern isn’t far off from child nutrition meal patterns.00:47:29
That's awesome June, thanks for sharing00:47:43
Civil Rights training:
Check it out! :D00:48:09
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
^ see Paloma in action on the Spanish lesson!00:48:54
Training is available in Spanish - by yours truly :)00:49:05
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Stop Waste has a lot of really neat educational resources: stopwaste.org00:49:29
Stephanie Bruce:
How are people feeding in classrooms and allowing teachers to have their breaks???00:49:34
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
CSPI Procurement Survey:
Link to the recording above00:49:44
Amanda Mascia/SDHunger Coalition:
GREAT question, Stephanie!00:50:10
Clarissa Hayes:
USDA-FNS will be joining our FRAC webinar next week - just a quick update :)00:50:19
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
^ that’s great, Clarissa!!00:50:35
All Registration links for each of these will be in the follow-up email.00:50:38
Stephanie Bruce:
We are currently measuring MPR's and can fit about 45 students at a time in the MPR00:50:52
Emily Cena:
^ Stephanie, we do not plan to serve in classrooms. Once students return to campus, we will stagger meal times in the cafeteria so kids come pick up meals and take them outside to eat (weather permitting). Will use MPR as our back-up.00:51:13
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
Don’t miss Tuesday’s at 2 by CDE on Sept 8:
Stephanie Bruce:
Same here Emily. Thank you00:51:33
Amanda Mascia/SDHunger Coalition:
Fight, flight or freeze.00:51:39
Amanda Mascia/SDHunger Coalition:
All in for the sacred pause! :)00:51:43
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
*channeling this mood*00:51:59
Stephanie Bruce:
Boy have I taken a few Pauses!!!00:52:01
Miguel Villarreal:
I'm so proud of NFSN for stepping up to address Racial Justice. I hope everyone has signed on to their webinar.00:52:04
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
Collective deep breath guys!00:52:22
Let's stop and breathe...1...2...300:52:50
Eric Holliday:
Yes deep breathing, and journaling have been very effective through all of this.00:53:10
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
^ yes, journaling too :) thank you for sharing, Eric. That’s another good strategy to pause & assess.00:53:20
Stephanie Bruce:
And having a county of amazing Directors like you Eric to talk each other off of our ledges00:53:35
Emily Cena:
I'm spending my commute listening to podcasts about the enneagram. :)00:53:35
Brook Stephenson:
Is there a little to the number of meals we can serve at one time under SSO-is anyone limiting them?00:53:37
Jennifer Parenteau:
does anyone have a SOP for bus delivery?00:53:39
Journaling sounds fun, thanks Eric. Any other strategies you'd like to share?00:54:08
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
Do you have any recommended resources for giving gratitude and mental health for nutrition staff?00:54:17
Amanda Mascia/SDHunger Coalition:
Subscriptions to Headspace00:54:30
Molly Stenberg:
The menu planner looks excellent - will the link be available soon00:55:03
Cynthia Long:
Is it mandatory to go to SSO or can we remain with NSLP/SBP?00:55:09
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
That sounds amazing Maddy!00:55:17
Amanda Mascia/SDHunger Coalition:
Create a quiet outside, shaded area for nutrition staff to relax and take a breath!00:55:24
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
@Cynthia - no it is not mandatory00:55:27
Victor Carranza:
Thank you!00:55:32
Eric Holliday:
Not mandatory you always have a choice and doing what is in the best interest of your district and your students00:55:47
Molly Stenberg:
We have been using short meditations found on YouTube - they are short and very good00:56:01
Melissa Manning:
Matt Upton has a morning Facebook Live inspirational post and has about a hundred in his archive00:56:02
Amy Hedrick-Farr:
Maddy, This would be amazing. We have the COVID stress and now fires. This would be so helpful00:56:12
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Molly & Melissa — that’s so nice!!00:56:13
Anna Severns:
SNA has a webinar on Sept 16 called 'taking care of yourself and your students: coping with pandemic crisis & loss' might be helpful?00:56:19
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
^ Ditto re: Matt Upton - he’s such a great person!00:56:27
Michael Jochner:
"Pop the trunk"00:56:43
Suzanne Lugotoff:
Thank you!00:56:46
Susan Dalandan:
FYI, partners in child nutrition, the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture is adopting (today) a seventh guiding principle embracing equity, diversity and inclusion in their work, and has entered into an agreement with National Society for Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences to welcome more minority students into agricultural policy careers.00:57:00
Christina Cazares:
We serve from drivers side using carts.00:57:20
Michael Jochner:
allows us to check their trunk for other districts food too.00:57:21
Angelica Castanon:
Meridian point tapping helps with anxiety
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
That’s really neat, Susan. If you end up having an formal announcement on that, pls share with us :)00:59:15
Noi Whitener:
Are most Grab N Go meals as far as entree's going out in a frozen state and just heating the entree's for the daycare and / or Pod classses that are on site.00:59:35
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
(Or planning to work around that)00:59:58
Sarah Prince:
Our district has applied for a waiver for duty free lunch01:00:06
Dylan Hatami:
If we started with NSLP for the first 2 weeks of school and then switched to SSO, does it get claimed under NSLP or SSO?01:00:08
Eric Holliday:
I think it will depend on each sites collective bargaining agreement with teachers01:00:16
Noi Whitener:
What was the question again.01:00:17
Jennifer Gonzales:
Noon aides and any other staff available will be asked to supervise01:00:18
Sarah Prince:
and is rotating which groups eat in the classroom and cafeteria01:00:28
Julianna Roberts:
this would be great to help folks focus on self care..I know we all say it.. you need to take care of yourself first so you can help others or keep going...also helping us identify and pause to appreciate the blessing in disguise01:00:32
Jennifer Gonzales:
Other duties as needed will be used01:00:33
Need to do two claims one for NSLP and other for SSO01:00:35
The question was : How are people feeding in classrooms and allowing teachers to have their breaks???01:00:47
Noi Whitener:
Jennifer Parenteau:
does any one have a bus delivery SOP??01:00:55
Dylan Hatami:
Thank you June01:01:24
Maddy Moritsch:
If you are seeing specific Food Service staff needs for self-care/mental health/gratitude, and would like to help inform resource development with what you are seeing01:01:52
Thank you so much Maddy!!! much needed!01:01:53
Laurel Goins:
SSFO can get a letter from your county migrant coordinator that states that you have migrant students and they will be using the meal program. This will allow 3 meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner01:01:56
Our NSLP was from August 26-September 1. And our SSO started yesterday. So will claim separately.01:02:08
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Maddy I know that CDC did some coping w/ stress pieces on their website, and KP had some for Thriving Schools. It would be neat to adapt them for nutrition services. Let us know if you ever want to brainstorm :)01:02:12
Vanessa Diaz:
so we can do Cacfp with enrichment programs online01:02:44
Nancy Rostomily:
will the attendance for the school distance learning cover as the roster?01:02:46
Gail Gousha:
I think you are correct Jen.01:02:57
Michael Jochner:
I'd urge everyone to get ahead on hybrid or in person learning order of supplies. Avoid national shortages of thermal bags, carts, etc.01:02:59
Noi Whitener:
We begin our SSO on Tuesday 9/8 and no longer with NSLP, as we signed the waiver01:03:17
CACFP yes as long as enrichment program OFFERED on line. Students have OPTION to participate and don't have to participate01:03:35
Amy Glodde:
how do you get a sign in sheet for CACFP enrichment?01:03:41
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Thanks for these clarifications, June.01:03:44
Good point, Michael. Any recommended supplies?01:03:58
Vanessa Diaz:
Thank you01:04:00
Diane Drooger:
The students still have to sign in for CACFP if we decided to do it during SFSP/SSO? A roster?01:04:15
Melissa Ulam:
for those of you serving only once a week: is your staff working less?01:04:25
No roster for CACFP - just need to prove that enrichment program is offered in curriculum01:04:49
Erin Primer:
We have a preorder form for our weekly meal kits - we ask for child name and birthdate to ensure they are under 18 and will give as many meals as you have kids.01:04:57
Document procedure and have it available for audit purposes01:04:58
Stephanie Bruce:
Yes Melissa. Our staff is on call 3 days and working 2 days. They have to log in for training each day though and are Absent with no pay if they do not01:04:59
Noi Whitener:
For SSO Program we will use the tally sheet, we did use a roster when we are on the NSLP01:04:59
Cathy Moen:
we ask the family to bring the big family once and show us they have 8 students then moving forward we are ok01:05:00
Michael Jochner:
MHUSD Staff works 2 days Student Nutrition, 3 days for the district.01:05:04
Maddy Moritsch:
Layla - would be happy to work together on this to make a food service specific training, I'll email you and the Lunch Assist team01:05:20
MAUREEN Pisanick:
Koodos to all of you! Love from OHIO for a continued safe and successful start to school! Took away some great ideas from our Cali friends :)01:05:27
Erin Primer:
preorder form :)01:05:45
Maddy Moritsch:
Gratitude Resource:
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Yay Maureen! Thank you for joining from Ohio. Your CN task force has been inspiring us, too.01:06:01
Follow-up email includes the chat-box! thanks for your participation, this is awesome!01:06:10
Susan Dalandan:
Remember, you do not have to be under 18 if you are in disability learning. Then, I believe it is 21. Please do not leave out this community that is often in the greatest need.01:06:15
Karen Fontenette:
If we are trying to avoid contact, getting signatures goes against this01:06:16
Robert Lewis:
We have three color coded checkoff sheets. Breakfast, Lunch, Snack01:06:42
Thanks Susan, absolutely.01:06:49
tally sheet is adequate for CACFP01:07:01
Noi Whitener:
Susan thank you your absolute correct!01:07:04
Susan Dalandan:
In Pa we don't use a sign in sheet, use a tally (Check off) sheet01:07:10
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Thank you Stephanie!!!01:07:11
Valerie Weivoda:
Food Handler has an amazing resource for COVID SOPs including bus delivery01:07:22
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Oh great! We’ll link that, too, Valerie01:07:24
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
Susan and June thank you for sharing that. Yeah I think we need to push back with CDE on this… :)01:07:28
Noi Whitener:
age 21 for the disability, on the SSO01:07:47
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Food Handler actually has some amazing SOPs, come to think of it.. let me find the link..01:08:48
Amy Hedrick-Farr:
As long as a student is enroll in special education we feed 2-22 years old.01:08:51
Cassandra Bahr:
We are currently operating under NSLP and only serve lunch. If we switch to SSO, do we have to include breakfast as well as lunch?01:08:58
Anna Severns:
Texas is saying YES claim NSLP under NSLP and if you switch to SSO/SFSP, claim those meals under SSO/SFSP01:09:11
Eric Holliday:
Tuesday at 2 we will have more clarity from CDE. Hopefully, they have had two days to pivot quickly, so hopefully by Tuesday afternoon we get more clarity.01:09:13
Susan Dalandan:
PA is handling the same as TX01:09:15
Laura Bullene Jacobo:
How are districts serving at multiple times and ensuring program integrity of duplicate meals?01:09:19
Noi Whitener:
Thank you Valerie!01:09:21
CA our technical rep from CDE confirmed for us to claim NSLP and separate SSO01:09:42
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Here are the Food Handler COVID 19 SOPs:
Don’t miss Tuesday’s at 2 by CDE on Sept 8:
Susan Dalandan:
In PA the tally sheets are by child name.01:11:13
Erin Primer:
Equivalent of 4 - 10s01:11:25
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
^ Susan that makes sense - I would call that a roster01:11:28
Stephanie had mentioned about her team01:11:33
Erin Primer:
I give them Fridays off - they work their FTE in 3-4 days01:11:38
Oh there she is! :) Thanks Stephanie!01:11:54
Suzanne Yamanishi:
Same hours... but only 2 of us... just my aide is only 3 days but same hours01:12:04
Christina Cazares:
same hours. scratch cooking to help with keeping everyone busy.01:12:15
Ravenswood City School District is doing the same as Stephanie Bruce district01:12:30
Leslie Montano:
Same hours01:12:35
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Very good, Christina. We’re hearing that folks are using extra staff capacity to cook.01:12:44
Frances Gonzalez:
Our district is working their full contract hours. We serve 2 days a week and scratch cook so 3 days goes to production01:12:55
Stephanie Bruce:
Smart Christina!!!!!01:14:39
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
I know a lot of folks are seeing big bumps in participation w/ waivers. Have you gotten any feedback from families yet about having access to more meals, and just the overall process being easier?01:15:17
Suzanne Yamanishi:
We request a google form survey to order ahead of time and then use that roster... we make a few extras in case someone else shows up....01:15:43
Erin Primer:
Grateful families who can now feed ALL their kids, not just students01:16:10
S. Dmngz:
While serving SSO is it okay to run out or must we provide to all our students?01:16:19
Thank you for everything you do, Erin <301:16:21
Erin Primer:
Charter school families who can now eat with us are very happy too :)01:16:24
Emily Cena:
Many families in our district are confused, since we had just explained that they would have to pay. Now we are trying to explain that's not the case.01:16:49
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
^ that also makes sense, Emily. It’s hard to start one way and then shift.01:16:52
Stephanie Bruce:
We send people to other sites nearby01:16:55
Michael Jochner:
S. Dmngz:
Erin Primer:
Ask for a preorder and then offer an open pick up time for no shows meal to be given out (i.e. 9-1pm for preorders and 1-1:30pm for those without an order)01:18:00
Noi Whitener:
How are some of you getting meal counts in for each day? This is something I think about quite often, especially if the teachers don't have time to send in meal counts from their students who are doing virtual learning.01:18:47
Noi Whitener:
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
What time frame is working best for parents? I have heard many shifting meal service times since parents are increasingly going back to workplaces. Would be interested to hear how things are going.01:18:49
Anne Norris:
I am using the MySchoolBucks "web order" form for pre-orders01:19:01
Noi Whitener:
thank you01:19:08
Noi Whitener:
no your not01:19:10
And if you have any ideas to improve communication with families -> switching from pay to free (again), please share, that seems to be real challenge :/01:19:15
Regina Ocampo:
We are not getting any meal counts from teachers at this time, we have to estimate what we need each day01:20:03
Christina Cazares:
Mondays 11:00-12:30 and Thursdays 11:00 to 12:30 and an afternoon 3:30 to 5:0001:20:07
Noi Whitener:
Thnaks Regina that's what were doing now, I was just hoping to see if there's other positve ways other than what were doing now.01:20:30
Another AMAZING call!!!! thank you so much for joining!01:20:37
the chat box was on fire!!!01:20:42
Eric Holliday:
Thank you for another great call!01:20:43
Kristie Summers:
Thank you! Great info shared today01:20:48
Noi Whitener:
we do have school bucks thank you I'll check if thats an option for us.01:20:49
Stephanie Bruce:
Thank you! so appreciate all the wonderful information.01:20:53
Brenda Ruiz:
thank you!01:20:56
We were 1000-1pm but when school started we have two sites 8am-2:30pm and three sites 8:30am-1:30pm - increased meals01:20:58
Debbie Tamblin:
Thank you for the info01:20:58
Amanda Jacobs:
Thank you so much for all the great information!01:21:00
Stephanie Bruce:
Makes me feel sane!01:21:00
Anna Severns:
thanks so much!01:21:03
Anne Norris:
Thank tou so much for all the resources!!01:21:06
holliday arnett:
I missed part of this meeting but what I was able to hear thank you!Again great info and meeting!01:21:09
Molly Stenberg:
Thanks so much01:21:10
Laura Burns:
thank you so much!!01:21:11
Erica Lee:
Thanks everyone!!!01:21:23
Julia Burdick:
this was my first time joining one of these calls, and it was one of the most useful calls I've been on recently, so thank you!01:21:35
Noi Whitener:
I really appreciate all of you feels great to know where all in this together!01:21:38
Michael Jochner:
LunchAssist and Center for Eco ROCK!!01:21:46
S. Dmngz:
thank you ladies!01:21:52
Ericka Solis:
Do you have a clearer list of recommended training courses for staff and directors? I'm looking for a more easily referenced page.01:21:54
Thank you ALL!01:22:05
Erin Primer:
THANK YOU ALL!! Always great!01:22:12
Ericka Solis:
Any listing of recommended training courses and flow of courses is helpful.01:22:14
Angela Adkins:
Thank you All!01:22:17
Noi Whitener:
McKinzie, Jen, and Leyla Great communication.01:22:58
Ericka Solis:
Will do. Thank you.01:23:11
Ericka Solis:
Your guidance is so much clearer than the CDE webisite pages.01:23:18
Noi Whitener:
I'm so interested in these trainings for my staff, I'll reach out!01:23:27
Link to Civil rights training01:23:34
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
Free Civil Rights Training:
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
Thank you June!!01:23:51
Don't forget to breathe :)01:24:39
Here you go01:24:51
Kristin Zellhart:
Thank you everyone for your tips and to CEL and Lunch Assist for organizing such useful information! Best of luck to everyone this fall!01:25:12
Noi Whitener:
Our district just made one up, because we couldn't find one fron the USDA.01:25:55
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Thank you Kristin!01:26:19
Ericka Solis:
Your templates are beautiful! Thanks sincerely for all of your hard work.01:26:23
Suzanne Yamanishi:
this is awesome, thank you to all of you01:26:30
Leyla Marandi | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Thank YOU!01:26:33
Have a great day! Take care.01:26:41
Jen McNeil, LunchAssist:
Thanks all take care!0