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Fresh from California: Menu Planning Support Session #2

Fresh from California: Menu Planning Support Session #2
About this Series
Looking for new ideas for your menus? Over the course of Spring 2022, the Center for Ecoliteracy hosted monthly menu planning support sessions in partnership with LunchAssist for our Fresh from California campaign. These informal group discussions were designed to support school nutrition professionals in plant-forward menu planning. Agendas were centered around local procurement, freshly prepared meals, menu/recipe considerations, navigating special diets, and much more to incorporate fresh fruits, vegetables, and legumes into school menus. Each session is intended for California school nutrition directors and school district menu planners.
About this Session
This session showcases more culturally diverse cuisines and offers technical assistance and guidance on incorporating plant-forward meals for students with common allergies and special diets.
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Slides: Session #2 - Allergies and Special Diets
Download the Fresh from California: Menu Planning Support Session #2 slides.
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Chat: Session #2 - Allergies and Special Diets
Liz Carlton:
Welcome! Please introduce yourself by typing your name, position, and where you work into the chat box. How are you celebrating Earth Day in your school nutrition program?00:16:18
Stacy Johnson:
Stacy Johnson-Director of Nutrition Services Glendora USD00:16:21
Julia Emerson:
Julia Emerson-San Jacinto USD, Nutrition Services Technician00:16:28
Angela Phalen:
Angela Phalen. Chef Coordinator.San Jacinto Unified School District.00:16:33
rebecca Ward:
Rebecca Ward Acalanes USD WE are doing a Meatless Friday00:16:39
Alena Miller:
Alena Miller - Lodi USD Nutrition Specialist00:17:02
Kimberly Chang:
Kimberly Chang-Antioch USD Child Nutrition Specialist00:17:12
Kristin Hilleman:
Kristin Hilleman, Director FNS, Capistrano USD - we try to celebrate Earth Day everyday by using compostable packaging and mitigating waste as much as possible.00:17:16
Aly Romero:
Hi I'm Aly Romero from El Centro California00:17:18
Melissa Manning:
Hi my name is Brittany and I’m a dietetic intern with Garden to Table Nutrition00:17:20
Susan Henderson:
Susan Henderson - Nutrition Specialist from Lodi Unified School District.00:17:26
Amy Haessly:
Amy Haessly, Fallbrook Union Elementary School District00:17:36
Good afternoon, I’m here as the Interim Executive00:17:38
Dylan Hatami:
Dylan Hatami, West Contra Costa USD, Nutrition Specialist/Area Supervisor00:18:00
Aly Romero:
MUSD Child Nutrition Manager00:18:11
Diana Carrillo:
Diana Carrillo - Director, Central SD00:18:18
Maria Davila:
Kristine Naramore, Operations Manager with Rowland Unified00:18:26
Director of the Center for Ecoliteracy00:19:01
krysta williams:
Hi everyone, nice to have everyone here! I’m a Program Manager here at the Center for Ecoliteracy.00:19:23
Lucy Hicks:
Hi all! Lucy Hicks, Friends of the Earth00:19:33
Esther Huizar:
Esther Huizar Cafeteria Manager at Oak Valley Elementary School00:19:48
Jennifer McNeil:
Hi Everyone! Jen here from LunchAssist ❤️ Really love seeing all of the school grown produce on menus this week! ?00:20:34
Liz Carlton:
Sign up here:
Jen Moore:
Jen Moore - Child Nutrition Supervisor & Registered Dietitian from Cajon Valley Union School District. We're currently on Spring Break.00:23:11
Liz Carlton:
For more general information about special crops, here’s a fact sheet:'s%20list%20clarifies%20that%20%E2%80%9Cspecialty,%2C%20turfgrass%2C%20and%20hops5).00:38:02
rebecca Ward:
Molluscan is a great word!00:38:22
Liz Carlton:
I was thinking the same thing, Rebecca! ?00:39:18
Liz Carlton:
Source: FARE (
Liz Carlton:
FARECheck Instructor Training (
Liz Carlton:
“Tips for Avoiding Your Food Allergen” -
Liz Carlton:
Source: FARE (
Mickinzie | LunchAssist:
Does anyone else have a recipe that checks off multiple boxes (Low allergen, plant-forward, etc.)?00:49:49
Sabina Feinberg:
Baked potato bar00:50:04
Mickinzie | LunchAssist:
Awww yes! Baked potato bars are great!00:51:29
Mickinzie | LunchAssist:
These are especially great in “bar-style” (build-your-own-bowl)00:51:40
Kristin Hilleman:
Southwest Rice Bowl - brown rice, black beans, pico de gallo, corn00:52:15
Sabina Feinberg:
Late to the game here…are these suggested for elementary or secondary?00:52:18
Lucy Hicks:
Friends of the Earth has a huge library of PF, PB, and allergen meals,00:53:33
Mickinzie | LunchAssist:
@Sabina - these recommendations span across K-12 grade levels. Some of the build-your-own solutions may be better for the older kiddos but the bistro boxes can be great for the little tykes (they look a bit like lunchables, depending on what you choose to include - adjust accordingly per grade level)00:53:49
Mickinzie | LunchAssist:
Thanks for sharing @Lucy!00:54:07
Kerry Billner:
Mickinzie | LunchAssist:
Thanks, @Kerry!00:54:52
rebecca Ward:
Mickinzie | LunchAssist:
Oh another one I love - using DF pesto in wraps or sandwiches! It adds a ton of flavor and is a kid favorite!00:56:01
Liz Carlton:
3/9/22 Menu Planning Support Session Recording:
Liz Carlton:
Learn more about us by joining our free community membership available at
Mickinzie | LunchAssist:
Register for The Lunch Hour:
Mickinzie | LunchAssist:
“The Sustainability Conversation We Are Not Having”:
Mickinzie | LunchAssist:
Register for The Social Hour:
Liz Carlton:
Learn more about the Fresh from California campaign:
Liz Carlton:
Sign up for Fresh from California offerings:
Liz Carlton:
Plant-Forward School Meal Resources:
Mickinzie | LunchAssist:
What questions do you all have??01:03:01
Jennifer McNeil:
Here are the regulations for fluid milk subs in CA:
Erica Lee:
My mic isn't working right now but shat does everyone do for kids with Celiac? The concern is not just GF items but more about cross contamination. Are you just super careful in the kitchens or stick to the gluten-free boxes that are brought in?01:09:18
Erica Lee:
Thanks all!01:09:28
Diana Carrillo:
Since dietary preferences are not medical related, would it be 'ok' to create a separate form to have parents fill out for those requests? My past districts have always used the medical statement form but I'd like to get away from that since a doctor doesn't need to sign off on that01:09:30
Kerry Billner:
So many great resources and ideas ?01:11:37
Diana Carrillo:
Yes, listing the preferences we can accommodate would be perfect01:12:12
Diana Carrillo:
rebecca Ward:
Thank to everyone, great info!01:15:01
Mickinzie | LunchAssist:
Thank you everyone for joining today!01:15:13
Crystal Whitelaw I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Thank you all!01:15:13
Melissa Manning:
Great presentation, so valuable, thank you!01:15:16
Kristine Naramore:
Thank you!01:15:23
Alena Miller:
Thank you for all the resources!0