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Spotlight on Farm to School

Spotlight on Farm to School
About this Series
The School Food Innovator Series is a virtual quarterly gathering designed for members of the California Food for California Kids® Network. This series showcases innovation in school food leadership across the state and fosters connections between Network members and offers peer-to-peer learning opportunities.
About this Session
Are you starting with just a handful of seeds? Working to connect with local farmers? Managing a successful grant program? Guest speakers highlight connections between the school cafeteria, garden, and classroom in the California Food for California Kids® Network.
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Chat: Spotlight on Farm to School
Pratyusha Gampala (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Welcome! Please introduce yourself by typing your name, position, and where you work into the chat box. What is your favorite thing you’ve eaten lately? Quick Tip: If you’re connecting with your phone audio separate from your video, please make sure to rename yourself on your phone app, so that it says your name, and we can connect your audio to your breakout room.00:10:46
Robin Brennan:
Robin Brennan00:10:54
Lynn Wong:
Lynn, Food Service Prog Mgr, Santa Rosa.00:11:08
Juan Zamorano:
Hi All!00:11:13
Jezra Thompson (she/her) Center for Ecoliteracy:
Hello! Jezra with the Center for Ecoliteracy, Director of Programs, Bay Area. Persimmons and more persimmons00:11:14
Claire Mote:
Hi Everyone! I'm Claire, Farm to School Coordinator in San Luis Obispo County. Favorite thing - chana masala!00:11:21
Kristina Kraushaar:
Hi. Kristina Kraushaar, Program Innovator, Rialto Unified. I had a salad from subway....delicious.00:11:21
Abby Halperin (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Hi Everyone! Abby Halperin, Policy and Grants Manager at the Center for Ecoliteracy. So many delicious things for thanksgiving it’s hard to pick, but I loved eating roasted fall veggies with my 8-month old.00:11:29
Juan Zamorano:
Hi Amy!00:11:29
Lynn Wong:
Favorite thing eaten lately . . . chocolate brigaderio panettone bread.00:11:30
Janel Wojcik:
Janel Wojcik, Program Manager at LunchAssist! I was lucky enough to eat my mom’s famous yams at Thanksgiving. ?00:11:31
Janelle Manzano:
Janelle Manzano, San Diego, F2S Specialist, Just spent a few days with my parents for the holidays. Was so nice to eat their homecooked meals :)00:11:41
Robin Brennan:
Robin Brennan, Food Services Area Supervisor, San Diego Unified.00:11:41
Vanessa Diaz:
Vanessa Diaz, Director of Food Services from Imperial California. I had cheesy potatoes for thanksgving00:11:42
Lindsey Pratt:
Lindsey, farm to school coordinator at Sierra Harvest in Nevada City, Nisenan land. Favorite thing - ghee mixed with miso on top of roasted sweet potatoes!00:11:46
Claudia Carter | CA Wheat | Wheat2School:
Hola. :) Claudia. CA Wheat, Wheat2School. Pho!00:11:50
Patty Gallagher:
Patty Gallagher - Roseland School District, Santa Rosa00:11:50
Cassidy Boardman:
Cassidy, Farm to School Program Manager with Upland USD!00:11:52
Amy Garfinkel (she/her) - CDFA:
Hello! Amy Garfinkel, Farm to School Network Lead, CA Dept. of Food & Ag. Butternut squash/sweet potato soup!00:11:54
Jason Corona:
Jason Corona, Assistant Director of Child Nutrition Services, Oxnard School District, Oxnard California00:12:00
Karolyn Wasung:
Karly Wasung, Vista USD Operations Manager. Julian Apple Pie!00:12:00
Jim Koulias:
Hi all, Jim Koulias with the Center for Ecoliteracy, Deputy Director of Finance and Operations, Berkeley. Turkey turkey turkey (and all the fixings)00:12:02
Pilar Gray:
Pilar Gray - Director of Nutrition Services, Fort Bragg USD. Left over turkey sandwich!00:12:05
Liz Carlton (she/her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Hi all! Thanks for joining us! I’m Liz, Program Coordinator here at the Center for Ecoliteracy. My favorite thing recently was tofu chile verde that my family made over the weekend!00:12:13
Kimberly Chang:
Hi! Kim Chang, Child Nutrition Specialist at Antioch Unified School District. Favorite thing I ate a dark chocolate bar from Canada.00:12:15
Marie Johnson:
Hi Everyone! Marie Johnson, Student Nutrition Program Coordinator of Farmington Schools in NM, President of NMSNA. Yummy Salad00:12:16
Abby Halperin (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
@Lindsey, I want that recipe, sounds delicious!00:12:18
Moises Plascencia:
Moises Plascencia, Farm to School Coordinator for Santa Ana Unified School District. Wooohoo00:13:31
Kristin Zellhart:
Hi everyone! Kristin Zelllhart with Eat REAL and I am in Sacramento. I had delicious roasted persimmons from our local farmers market that were delicious!00:13:48
Anne Moertel | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Anne Moertel, Outreach and Communications Manager, Center for Ecoliteracy. Calling in from the Bay Area! I *want* to eat a cookie from a local bakery, it has chocolate chips, walnuts and dried apricots!00:14:00
Juan Zamorano:
Juan Zamorano SDUSD Food Services Program Specialist and I just had a delicious Buffalo Chicken Salad for lunch.00:15:41
Anna Jackson, Ventura County Farm to School:
Anna Jackson, Ventura County Farm to School. Minestrone soup00:16:41
Lynn Wong:
Hi from Bellevue USD!00:16:50
Liz Carlton (she/her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Hi Lynn! Thank you for joining us!00:17:26
Anne Moertel | Center for Ecoliteracy:
So awesome! Hi to my neighboring Peninsula school districts!!00:17:29
Divya Puri:
Thank you! Excited to be a part of this network- Divya Puri, Fremont Union High00:18:18
Pratyusha Gampala (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Fort Bragg USD Nutrition Services Harvest of the Month Website:
Jezra Thompson (she/her) Center for Ecoliteracy:
Pratyusha Gampala (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Kat Soltanmorad:
fantastic Pilar!!00:19:32
Pratyusha Gampala (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Tahoe-Truckee USD Nutrition Services Instagram:
Abby Halperin (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Yum — Kat, I love a great roasted tomato. Your students are so LUCKY00:20:06
Kat Soltanmorad:
Thanks Abby! Our Chefs are outstanding!00:20:16
Lindsey Pratt:
Kat & TTUSD is such an inspiration!00:20:45
Kristin Zellhart:
Beautiful photos!!00:21:05
Michael Jochner:
Pratyusha Gampala (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
WaveCrest Cafe (Vista USD Child Nutrition Services) November Nutrition Newsletter:
Abby Halperin (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Anyone who wants tips on taking great school food photos, check out this guide:
Kat Soltanmorad:
So cool Michael!!!00:23:18
Pratyusha Gampala (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Morgan Hill USD Nutrition Facebook:
Kristin Zellhart:
Yay Michael!! You are such an innovator!00:23:31
Divya Puri:
Those wraps are beautiful.00:24:29
Michael Jochner:
Go Michelle! Love "Fork Farms".00:26:27
Cassidy Boardman:
Follow along with us on Instagram! @uusdfarmtoschool00:26:32
Cassidy Boardman:
Thank you Liz!00:27:45
Pratyusha Gampala (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Opt-in to the KIT funds under the “guidelines tab” here, by December 9:
Pratyusha Gampala (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Sign up for updates on CDFA’s Farm to School Program here:
Pratyusha Gampala (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Apply for the USDA Farm to School Grants Here by January 6:
Pratyusha Gampala (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Stay tuned for CDE funding updates here:
Pratyusha Gampala (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Take the survey to inform 2023 policy priorities today:
Moises Plascencia:
Thank you Amy00:31:30
Moises Plascencia:
SAUSD is also recipient of the Farm to School Grant.00:32:19
Lindsey Pratt:
thank you Amy and CDFA! Sierra Harvest was a recipient00:32:45
Kat Soltanmorad:
Tahoe Truckee USD is a recipient, woweeee!00:33:18
Kimberly Chang:
Antioch USD is a recipient. Thank you CDFA!00:36:36
Amy Garfinkel (she/her) - CDFA:
Thanks so much for having me! Please reach out if you'd like to connect :
CA F2S Grant webpage:
Moises Plascencia:
Thank you, get it00:42:25
Kristin Zellhart:
So awesome Janelle, such an amazing program you are offering!00:42:26
Moises Plascencia:
Super inspiring00:42:43
Lindsey Pratt:
thanks Janelle! can we get the link to the video mentioned that goes out to parents?00:42:59
Erin Primer:
Awesome Job Janelle!!00:45:47
Janelle Manzano:
F2S Video for San Diego County
Lindsey Pratt:
thanks so much Janelle!00:49:06
Lindsey Pratt:
thank you Moises!00:49:33
Abby Halperin (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
What terrific work, thanks Moises!00:49:40
Claire Mote:
Awesome programming, Moises!00:49:50
Moises Plascencia:
Thank you everyone.00:49:57
Moises Plascencia:
You all are so awesome.00:49:59
Kat Soltanmorad:
Love the academic integration Moises, inspiring!00:50:17
Janelle Manzano:
Back at you Moises! So great to hear about your work!! :)00:52:29
Kat Soltanmorad:
Looks soooo good Erin!!!00:52:40
Moises Plascencia:
Yummy, that looks amazing.00:53:04
Juan Zamorano:
Awesome Erin! I love that you are including a variety of products in your F2S programming.00:54:15
Marie Johnson:
What is a kiwano?00:55:41
Kristin Zellhart:
So inspiring Erin!!00:55:43
Moises Plascencia:
Thank you everyone, you are all so inspiring.00:55:50
Claire Mote:
Yay Erin! So awesome!00:55:59
Marie Johnson:
Thanks everyone!00:56:27
Pilar Gray:
Wowsers! All of these speakers have been so inspiring! Thank you!00:56:36
Marie Johnson:
I have to jump off for another meeting..00:56:41
Crystal Whitelaw (she/her) I Center for Ecoliteracy:
CDFA 2022 Farm to School Incubator Grant Program is now closed and projects have been awarded to begin April 2023. CDFA invested $25.5 million in funding for 120 farm to school projects across the state. Did you apply? Were you awarded? What is a key activity you’re most excited to implement during this grant? If you weren’t awarded, what would you like to get funding for? Most successful farm to school projects require multiple departments and partnerships to connect the cafeteria to the classroom and the farmers. Who do you already partner with to do some kind of farm to school activity? Do you work with a teacher, custodians, PTA lead, or local food pantry? Do you lead most of the farm to school projects from the nutrition services, or do you support education services in leading projects, such as teaching in school gardens?00:56:50
Marie Johnson:
But learned a lot.00:57:09
Abby Halperin (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Thanks for joining us Marie!01:10:41
Yousef - CAFF - he/him:
What do you think is the biggest challenge to farm to school outside of funding?01:11:57
Claudia Carter | CA Wheat | Wheat2School:
My question is.. how can we make farm to school sustainable in the long term? What is your school district to make sure your practices are going to last past external funding?01:14:05
Juan Zamorano:
Typically F2S is perceived as mainly having to do with fruits and vegetables. I wonder if Erin had to re-educate her team(s) when expanding to procure animal protein?01:16:23
Janelle Manzano:
Definitely connect F2S programming with other departments!! Join the Wellness Committee, get in touch with your Culinary and Garden Educators, STEAM or CTE Departments, etc!!01:21:01
Yousef - CAFF - he/him:
Thanks, Claire!01:21:58
Pratyusha Gampala (She/Her) | Center for Ecoliteracy:
Join the California Food for California Kids Network: Fresh from California Menu Planning Support Sessions Archive: CDFA Farm to School Network Community of Practice #5: CAFF Bid Generator: CAFF Produce Procurement Guide: LunchAssist Procurement Review Workshop: EatREAL Plant Based Meals Guide: FoodCorps Food Operators & Leaders of Color in Schools Network:
Pilar Gray:
It was nice to see and hear from everyone! Awesome work being done - so exciting. Thank you!01:23:42
Claire Mote:
Thanks everyone! Inspiring work!01:23:46
Claudia Carter | CA Wheat | Wheat2School:
Thank you All!01:23:58
Michelle Drake:
Good Job to All! Always good to hear the positive movement in Farm to School and CA Foods for CA Kids!01:23:59
Janelle Manzano:
Thank you, everyone ?01:24:06
Juan Zamorano:
Awesome chat!01:24:09
Jezra Thompson (she/her) Center for Ecoliteracy:
Thank you, all. Such inspiring guest speakers! I look forward to talking more with those I was able to briefly connect with in the breakout sessions!01:24:11
Lynn Wong:
Thank you! I learned a lot!01:24:12
Erin Primer | San Luis Coastal Unified:
Thank you everyone! ?01:24:12
Kristin Zellhart:
Thank you for hosting this awesome session! Great work everyone, feeling super inspired from all of your work!!01:24:14
Crystal Whitelaw (she/her) I Center for Ecoliteracy:
Thank you everyone for being here and special thank you to our amazing presenters. Happy holidays!01:24:20
Yousef - CAFF - he/him:
Thank you all! And thanks for facilitating Liz!01:24:24
Amy Garfinkel (she/her) - CDFA:
Thank you everyone! This was so inspiring!01:24:42
Claire Tauber (she/her) CAFF:
Thanks all!!0