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Taste Testing California Fruits and Vegetables

two students taste test berries

Taste Testing California Fruits and Vegetables

Engage students with taste tests to promote new menu offerings, increase school meal participation, and share knowledge about fruits and vegetables that grow in California.

We offer two versions of a taste test survey to gather feedback from your students: print and online. Use whichever version best meets your needs, student age groups, and accessibility. The Center for Ecoliteracy is gathering statewide data to learn how taste tests of California produce impact student knowledge of fruits and vegetables. Please share your results with us using the links below!

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    Taste Test Survey - Print Version

    Download, print, and cut these half-sheet surveys, provided in both English and Spanish, for your students to respond. 

    Download Survey (English)

    Download Survey (Español)

    Share Your Results
    Use this Google Form to tally and submit the results of your printed surveys.

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    Taste Test Survey - Online Version

    Create an online survey using our Google Form template. Please use all of the questions included in the template. 

    View Template Form (English)

    View Template Form (Español)

    Share Your Results
    Use this Google Form to tally and submit the results of your online surveys.
